Perhaps that sounds overly dramatic, but you’ll find out in short order that IÂ love dramatic flare. ::laughs::
Life is meant to be dazzling, and euphoric… so often it isn’t. So often we let it get that way, and accept the status norm. …and I mean that, not ‘status quo’ as that’s not the bar we should aim to set; it’s the one we set so that we never fail. Our comfort zone, no matter how squalid.
And yet, this frantic need to work and draw! Oh, I’ve been running on an effervescent high for days. Days! I am past the panic now. We are hitting elation… I am really, really blessed to be able to sit at my computer and let the demands of Motherhood fall to the sides for a few days. Working into the wee hours, being spared the production of preparing my eldest for school, save to braid her beautifully long hair…
To work in black and white… I never thought that was something that could be appreciated by others. Granted, Â this is my comfort zone I am learning to grow from, Â but also an area at which I really shine.
For love of prospects, Â love of process, Â and love of creating beauty. Heady combination. Â :)