Let Sleeping Dragons Lie…


 Does that bother you? It’s bothers me too… that little flick of puff at the end just doesn’t look like how I imagine it in my head.


Perhaps this is my next drawing to be finished. ::smiles:: I am not quite sure about those fore paws, eh?

That, and I have a few decisions to make. There is a (slim) opportunity to talk to a publisher and pitch a book idea. I only need, oh, a title,  and a synopsis.  I have prose… ideas…  All the main players! …but which part of the story would I consider the first book? I don’t know…

So there that. If I’m to do this, I have to make a submission in the next two weeks. (No pressure!)

And the challenge to make 20 pieces of art. Twenty GOOD pieces of work… and I might be featured in a local gallery.

Exciting but hard decisions. There is no place there, methinks, for fantasy art. I can buy jump rings and create chainmail jewelry to channel my medieval/fantasy bug (yup, one hobby I adore but never quite started), or I… paint other things. Real world things. Expressionistic things. I did see a mermaid statue, but it wasn’t IN YOUR FACE or anything; she was hiding behind fishies.

So. I can do that. I can do those things too.

It means… sunlight and gardens and oil slicked canvases. Lemon infused hair and home made bug spray (and lots of it). Twenty pieces, I was warned. I have to have a body of at least 20 pieces to sell so that they have a good idea of my skills, and these people feature professional artists. Correction; people who work all day in their studios, and come back again the next day. I don’t have a studio right now, but… I do have outside, and outside is free. That should be enough to get started, if I’m accepted.

Hum, and away the gears do grind…

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