Life has always been Sink or Swim, and lately I have been sinking…
::deep sigh::
I do have art to show. i’m excited this morning to discover that there’s a WordPress/Jetpack addition to allow me to have a proper Portfolio page seperate of The Blog. I like that. I’ve always wanted that for this webspace, and now I have it…. once I read up more on how the addition to WP works.
I feel minuscule and of no import.
Caught in between… everything. This sorry, half-finished state. I have been quiet because I don’t want to be a burden to my friends and IÂ admit this and they say “Let it out, that’s what we’re here for,” and after I do… well, I need them now and they’re not here.
Is it because it’s summer? Is it because I’ve been withdrawn? And life has been a string of Bad Things… still no gainful employment. Car written off two weeks ago… swindled out of the insurance money mere days ago. Even my neighbour that knocked on my door the other day interrupted me to run off home (“I, uh, just realised I left the kettle boiling on the stove…”). Hurtful.
So please forgive me that I’ve been quiet.
Although what really thrills me is having my computer running and working again (as of a day ago). That accomplishment is something I am SO pleased with. The power supply died some time ago and it took time/money to replace it. I guess you’ve done something correctly when the system reads the CPU has been sitting at 29C after an hour and the surrounding ambient temperature is 34C…. ::preens:: (If computers mean nothing to you, that is phenomenal and the glee comes from being proud that I built it, and I assembled it all. Â Don’t know a damn thing about cars, but I know what’s in my computer case.)
I suppose if I knew a slight damn about cars, we wouldn’t have been swindled out of $800. ::dies again, just a little::
But it is what it is. Â (It just sucks. ::laughs:: Can you imagine the video card I could buy with that? Sweet, sweet overkill.)
Anyway. I have been flip flopping between different art medias. A little bit of sculpting… a little bit of watercolours. I will try to be more forthcoming around here. Being able to sit at a desk to write really… helps. :)