October is always a busy month.
We live in Canada, so it’s always a little tricky when two members of the family celebrate their birthday on Thanksgiving weekend. If that wasn’t busy enough, my youngest daughter’s birthday is two weeks later… and add to the hustle and bustle, they are both in school for the first time.
This means… two parties this year, and they couldn’t be any more different.  Dragonet watched Pokémon on television recently, and… it has just not weathered the storm of popularity over the years.

Due to forethought of other crafty mothers, however… I may just make it.  I’ve chosen to adopt this woman’s crafty idea and with the help of friends, I will be attempting  to sew messenger bags for all the guests. I am also stoked that another friend has agreed to make Pokémon badges (pins) for me.
As for my other Poppet… she has taken a liking to the movie Frozen. (Rather, both of my girls have every song memorized and choreographed! ::laughs:: ) So for the Little Miss, she is having a tea party with a Frozen slant at her behest. ::smiles::

I was extremely tickled to find these wonderful invitations for $3 at the dollar store, and for the chance to bust out my calligraphy set. Not the best invitation of the bunch, but several people informed me it was still a cut above, so the moral is to never sell yourself short.
Frozen stuff was mostly easy to find, which just means more time spent sewing, and painting, right? I have been working on a bona fide acrylic painting and I’d like to talk about it when I have it all or nearly finished.
Talk to you soon,