Shifting Gears (Again)

I have had… an unexpected shift in focus.

I am knitting chain maille, fifteen years after I first took an interest in it. ::laughs:: A little late, but I am attacking it with the same passions I attack everything, so it is fun, and exciting, and I’m dabbling with other jewellery techniques at the same time. 

I still want to paint, and sculpt, and this is finding myself, too. I’ve always been a ‘fingers in every sort of pie’ girl, much to my detriment. Also, in the background… keeping me away from here has been… life.

I’ve had many entries I’ve started, but with the influx of Christmas comes finding a place to put everything… figuring out homes for toys (I was gifted money and purchased myself a new desk – a half-finished entry I should, ah, finish one of these days… ), and the craft room (my haven that houses my computer) became a dumping place that I have not quite had the strength to reclaim as my own yet. The discomfort has prevented me from properly relaxing and updating. (I love the option to upload photos directly from my Android phone, but when they always load on rotation… coupled with the tedious typing, I never finish. :/ ) There was a fair bit of time spent in January volunteering at The Miss’ school and taking pride in restoring their art room. First pick of the spoils being donated to ArtsJunktion was a delightful boon, also. ::grins::

So much to say, so much to share… I shall try to be better about that.

February has much to be done in it. My dragons from November have been patiently waiting to be catalogued and shared here. Inventory taken, and goals to be scheduled. I promised a sea of mermaids to decorate The Miss’ second school book fair, so the goal is another 18 or so. This should provide me with sufficient stock for KeyCon, our local SciFi convention in May… see how selling my artwork goes for the first time.

I am still back logged a few promised gifts for Christmas, as well as a couple of requested commissions. I have a neck warmer to knit by Friday, and I have to find time to scour gemstones for a pendant.

Everything continues one day at a time… I had to relent and acquiesce to anti-depressants for the time being. The freedom to relax and focus on art as my career has not been enough to mitigate other pressures. It’s been a very emotional time the last couple of weeks as the anxiety lifts, allowing me to actually take in and dwell on my personal struggles.

So much… too much sometimes.

But I’ve never been very far away from here in my thoughts.

All my love,

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