The long ‘an short: I’ve recovered quickly from the shock of learning Anglou’s upcoming photo shoot involves just over a dozen models. My humble goal was to outfit each one with a vial pendant as per her wishes, as well as to offer each one something unique to wear. It seems I was under the mistaken impression there were half as many models… ::laughs::
(Well, that is what happens when models don’t check-in.)
Inspiration has struck and stolen away with my dinner table…  With beads scattered everywhere, it seems easier to spread out and group items into ideas or “discard them” as they get pulled out. What doesn’t work for one idea may work for another off to the side…
I think two necklaces made in one day is… quite a feat, considering it usually takes me a few days to decide upon the finishing touches to one. Case in point, I had some gorgeous sunstone and sodalite waiting for the perfect accent… (Onyx, perhaps; something neutral.)
But that likely sounds boring… so let the colours speak for themselves. ::smiles::

Indeed, I made two pendants last night, and came back to this one today. The pearls made a pleasant, albeit unexpected addition to round off the piece.

Sunday’s hopeful plans include shipping it off with my other photographer friend, and prepping vials for Angelou’s photo shoot. I am pleased to be finished three other pieces, two of which are already in her hands. ::smiles::
I have four vials sanded and bonded with E6000 that are now curing, and I will be able to test their efficacy Monday morning. A pin would secure it best, but I find them to be either visually distracting, or get in the way. I want to capture dragons and fairies without stabbing them in the heart! ::grins brightly and laughs::

You know… I just realized how much my goals seem to have morphed since the fall. I wanted a portfolio to showcase and hand into a small gallery downtown. They advised I needed a body of work totalling at least 30 pieces, and I am certainly beginning to march forward at a decent pace, although none of it in the way I’d planned! ::laughs::
It’s quite alright; they sold jewelry as well. ::laughs again::
Anyway, I’ve prattled on long enough… you’ve other things to attend and so must I. It is certainly nice to feel accomplished, and now to put nose to grindstone and puzzle out the next assortment of stones to matrix with that next pendant. I would like to wire weave… but I’m just not comfortable yet with the time commitment.
À plus tard,