It never ceases to amaze me how many parks -Â nay forests! – we have pocketing the city, and Sunday’s photo shoot would be spent inhabiting one such niche.
This one had a carved fairy tree ::grins::
Attending behind-the-scene was quite a learning experience. I was quite nervous bringing just shy of $1,000 in product with me, but everyone was kind and fun to meet. Knowing only general colour schemes of interested models, I was downright giddy to have colour-matched outfits perfectly, like it was fate. ::grins::
I will be quite excited in the days ahead to see the finished photos. Anglou has released a few sneak peeks already.
I have already begun prepping listings for Etsy. My other friend will leave me with a CD of the ones she’s taken, and I can sort out from there what yet needs to be taken care of and plan accordingly.
Ergo the title of this post, as everything draws together and looks ‘picture perfect’. ::smiles:: I’ve even made time to try to freshen up the website a little bit.
Busy, busy days ahead.