So what have I been up to, since I haven’t really been updating?
Well, mostly being a mom, but also Hoarding All The Things, collecting more pretties raw materials, getting a little worn out around the edges (can’t play SuperMom indefinitely it seems), as well as finally getting some energy to get back into the swing of things. I figured my sister’s birthday in a week is a good reason, don’t you think? ::grins::
I feel her present turned out smashing.

I am also super giddy to finally get my clutches on a jewelry stand I’ve been eying for months. Either the price was too high, or it wasn’t in stock, but finally the stars aligned ::smiles::
I am all but ready to start designing more enamelled pendants; I just need to prepare etching solution and containers. I am itching to design bookmarks, hehe.
After attending another class at Poco, I’ve learned how to make a “Chaos Bracelet.” Today was the first time I wore it, and it was very flattering to be lauded for a job well done by a stranger, and a fellow wire crafter/artist to boot.
Here are some photos in various stages and what it looks like finished:
I have also fiddled with a few other things as energy permits… not all shown here.
Hard to believe the summer is almost over… sure has been an emotional one. I’m a bit nervous that my Littlest One isn’t ready for the culture shock of a French school, but c’est la vie… She’ll adapt. She is SO excited to take the bus with her big sister… I swear she begged every day last year. ::laughs::
New shoes and a few new outfits have been purchased… Dragonet is growing ever taller. It was hard for ‘Phee to see her sister get all the new clothes, so I let her have the one $6 dress she picked out because who could say no at that price? …even when that value doubled because she insisted her sister match ;)
Yeah… mommy is a softie. But that’s ok!