All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but somebody has to do it…
I’ve been trying to follow the advice to have differing (aka, lower tiered) price points for my jewelry and it has been… difficult. Apparently my tastes/interests run towards expensive, ::sigh:: or maybe my opinion is skewed :P I can’t seem to price items for less than $25, once I finish paying myself for my time.
It is my sincere hope other people agree on the pricing as everyone’s enthusiasm has been really positive to date, leaving me with a sense of cautious optimism. I will continue to examine things with a keen eye and find where I can be judicious with costs, yet still appeal to my sense of aesthetics.
::laughs:: Proof that I’ve been so busy… I’ve been trying to write this entry for nearly two weeks. Wow.
I have thrown, er, hosted an Epicure party (hahahaha, yeah… I hosted something) with mixed results. It was a lot of stress with very poor turn-out; one of those YMMV type situations. For those of you not in the know, they sell seasonings, sauces, tea, etc, etc, with an expanding line into cookware. Think sort of like Pampered Chef, only I prefer the food options… I’m also thinking a tea party at the end of the school year might have better turn-out than the end of summer when all parents are busy with back to school shopping, etc. No biggie. Not like I’m selling the stuff, although I wouldn’t be opposed to it.  ::coughs:: (I rarely am brave enough to invite people into my home so the effort was… not wholly rewarding.)
In other topics, IÂ am ridiculously excited because my auntie is buying one of my necklaces <3 I made it and fell in love with it, thus I wasn’t going to offer it for sale… but she’s a super-duper special exception. I don’t think I’ve seen this wonderful lady since I was twelve, and I never get tired of telling anyone that will listen, she taught me how to tie my shoes, LOL.
I remember my mother standing patiently in her bedroom, trying to show me how to tie the sash ribbon to my pale, yellow dress for the umpteenth time, and I just could not tie it with a one-sided loop no matter how hard I tried… although I love telling the girls that Grandma taught me “the rabbit runs around the tree and down the burrow,” just as I repeat to them.::grins:: Still, it was auntie that showed me how to make bunny ears to tie my laces <3
Anyway, here it is…

With the popularity of Steampunk, I feel quite proud of its reception among friends. ::preens::
Aaaaand after mulling it over for days, I think this is going to be the next one in the series… There are two others, but they’re incomplete, also.

Other partially finished projects:
At some point I need to sit down, and get back to listing items on Etsy.
Just so much to do… the girls begin school on Friday, with a brief one-on-one introduction to their new teacher on Wednesday. Dragonet has a new wardrobe as the girl seems to be eating everything in sight and possibly going through another growth spurt; her sister never seems very behind.
Such is life!