In two weeks less a day, I will be flying solo at this craft sale and I have to admit the closer the day gets, the more nervous I become. I know that’s to be expected, but it’s starting to eat up my attention, as I take stock of my inventory and decide what needs to be done to round things out.
I am hoping to make a few more unique pieces between now and then, like this bracelet I made a couple of days ago.

I picked up 4″ long pillow boxes from Michael’s as gift boxes, seeing as the holiday season is approaching, and I suspect most of my jewelry will be purchased as gifts for others, rather than as personal indulgences. As an added bonus, the boxes are black, ergo there is nothing gaudy or untoward about the packaging. I think I did extremely well there.
It was a difficult decision as the store also carried 2″ square tins with see-through panes in the lid, which I feel would make for a better display of my wares than the stands I have. ::sigh:: So I might go back yet, even though I’m trying to curb how badly I’m bleeding money. (The girls are far from being done growing, etc, etc. Bad month for spending.)
The girls had a lovely birthday party since the last time I updated anything of substance ::smiles:: We saw Pan, which was delightful! If you liked Hook with Robin Williams, then I would say you will like Pan, although it is a bit darker in parts. I was extremely delighted in how the characters were portrayed, and that is all I will say about that without spoiling the movie.
Hum, what else to tell? Tonight is Hallowe’en; the girls are very excited ::grins:: Mommy has to admit, so am I… It’s always a joy to run around in my wedding dress, although one of the buttons is damaged. ::pouts:: Must be careful there. I’ve found it utterly delightful to run around in my cloak the past week due to the incumbent weather… I admit that I enjoy the compliments whenever strangers see my cloak. I find it fun to say, “No, I wear this any time the weather calls for it.” As a friend worded it on Facebook, ” We all know your affinity to classic medieval elegance.” ::wolfish grin:: Aye, those who know me, know me well.
I also finally have my Wacom tablet working again.. (I put it away in frustration… and then the power cable was misplaced. Life, eh?) I started on another sketch… I’m hoping by having my tablet up and running I have more availability to draw, and yet spend time with the family. (The girls have fallen for Flash and I love Girl Meets World as much as they do…)
With all the photos I’ve started to take, I think it’s time to buy Lightroom 6, except I definitely don’t have the money for that. What may come first, I think, is a Logitech K810 Illuminated Keyboard, for well, several reasons. First and foremost, I have a strong affinity for illuminated keys, but equally important, the K810 and K811 are Bluetooth enabled, so I don’t have to waste a precious USB port to connect. And no batteries ::growls:: I have chewed through SO many AAA batteries because I accidentally left the power on my old wireless keyboard. So, this is the one for me. …when I have money, haha.
Anyway, that’s enough rambling for today. :)