Craft Sales, Art, and Other Things

So, I am going to attempt a craft sale again… this time by my merit.

After the first [and last] sale, I am extremely nervous. Last time I was mysteriously ill (seems to be a contact rash coupled with copious amounts of stress), and missed nearly the entire event, spending half my time in the hospital or sleeping. I expect much less… drama and excitement this time around.

To compound my anxiety, I only sold three items in absentia, so it doesn’t inspire me to try again. But. That’s not a reason to quit now.

I’m too invested to quit now! ^_^;;

In terms of anxiety… whether for good or ill (as yet to be determined), I have decided to try handling life without my medication for a while. Should that prove too difficult ~ I forget exactly how fragile my patience can be ~ then I will go back to it.  I have to confess that I miss myself. I miss the euphoria and giddiness that happy tidings bring.

I need that ~now~ more than I need to feel calm in the face of anxiety. If my medication can’t help me cope with that, then perhaps a change is in order. So, change. I can always go back and start again; I’m not [completely] afraid to.

But this craft sale will be “good” for me. I need to cut my teeth on something and perhaps I will even do well.

I think the biggest change in the past couple of weeks is this… itch. This reawakening. I am writing more. (Finding words, more.) I am drawing more.

I have some other works started… I’ve not had an opportunity for someone to model for me in ages, so more giddiness ::grins:: Definitely giddiness.  Trying to work in mid-tones electronically is much, much different from using paper, I tell you. It’s not a matter of working black and white over a mid-tone, but painting shades of it back into the drawing as well. Not so easy.

I will take this as a good warm up exercise, but I feel I’ve hit a dead-end at this point and will continue to work this through on actual paper. Eventually. ::laughs:: I also have a second drawing in the works. Have a few things I want to work on, truthfully…

And knitting.

And Castle Age, whoo!

What I love about the cold weather are the cold-weather colours… shades of pumpkin and carrot orange, burgundy. Gold. I love fall colours the best <3

And so when the Biggest Ball of Yarn Ever falls across your purview at $5.99… it comes home! ::grins::

So much to do… may it all be accomplished :)

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