New Artwork Posted: 4×6″ Gold and Green Dragons

Artwork has been slow, but steady.

Still, two more drawings complete, and one more to go! The accordion book is nearing completion as well, with only the cover left to paint.

I am being encouraged by friends to write/illustrate a children’s book. ::smiles:: A lovely sentiment.

Maybe an idea will spring to mind; I have visions of “Frank the mouse” charming our curious green dragon into an unlikely friendship. Any artwork will likely take a back seat this week as I have signed up for some workshops intended to improve my business skills; one to learn to sell myself, the other to better organize my time.


Took the girls to see Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets opening weekend; I found it enjoyable, and the girls did too. One of the previews was for A Wrinkle In Time, and I am stoked to see that one too, to put it mildly. ::laughs:: I’m pleased the preview piqued Dragonet’s interest, as I’ve owned the book for a couple of decades, ::whistles:: and she’s finally interested in reading it.

Just a small update today. I harvested buckets of sour cherries from my yard, which resulted in a delectable pie. Good enough I need to share the recipe. ::grins:: Next update.

Catch you then <3

Between Love and Fear

I have been happily back to drawing!

Slightly rusty and nervous at drawing people… dragons, I am better at ;)

So what’s the title about?

I love to draw… in fact I adore working in pencil! (and own several sketch books that attest to that fact…)

Yet I often feel clumsy after I set the graphite down. Reverting to a coward, I find myself unwilling to sacrifice hours of effort to my recycling bin.

But to stop there, as I am wont to do, cheats myself of growth.

I was gifted this beautiful light table, so methinks I’ll be able to duplicate work and practice until perfection? That is part of my plans/goals, which I will get into shortly.

I started drawing recently and you may have missed the post about my red dragon, because it would seem I still don’t know my way around WordPress and made it disappear, an error since rectified. ::blushes::

I am pleased that I’ve made considerable progress since then, and have split my efforts between two projects.

First, there is the accordion book above (also called a leporello or a concertina book), which I plan on finishing in pencil.

My second project involves a series of drawings I promised in my last update.

Drrragons! And poor lighting!

Further inspired by my leporello, I’ve chosen a few scenes to elaborate with and those I will draw in colour. Including my red dragon, I will have at least 5 new works, which is… small, but important. I wondered if I should finally open my Patreon account, but it needs artwork to draw people in, and I don’t even have a banner. Maybe that can be another concurrent project ::laughs::


Yesterday, we went to see Little Shop of Horrors performed at the Rainbow Stage.

Dragonet laughed and enjoyed the performance, while ‘Phee had to be assured that none of the actors had really been eaten. Are we done with the theatre for now? Not necessarily, but ‘Phee and I had difficulties with the outdoor seating, so I might opt for an indoor performance and plush seats next time. ::laughs again::

They are enjoying the freedom of the public wading pool nearby, so I think summer holidays are officially off to a good start!

And with that, I shall bid you adieu for now <3

New Artwork Posted: 4×6″ Red Dragon

So, I did a thing ^_^


I began this little dragon a few weeks ago when helping out at FanQuest, and then tucked him out of sight. It wasn’t until two days ago that I rediscovered the little fellow, and here are the fruits of my labour ::smiles::

I received a lovely 4×6″ sample booklet at a vendor show recently, and I think a series of drawings should be in order. Once the series is completed, I will list the whole collection for sale. Maybe I can use this for the basis of opening my Patreon account, what say you?


First day of Summer Holidays was spent taking the girls to the theatre. They enjoyed. ^_^

For Canada Day, we went out to The Camp. I was able to take some lovely photos, and the girls were invited to be in a parade through the campground, so everyone had a lovely time.

And S’mores. Can you believe for this reason or that, I don’t remember eating a S’more before? I can’t even tell you why, other than my parents never packed them when camping. My life is complete now. ::laughs::

Just a small update this time. Back to drawing ;)

Sold my artwork ❤

I sold a 5×7″ print of my little pseudodragon! ❤

I also sold a small tote with him printed on it, too ::beams:: There is very little profit margin, but it gives me warm fuzzies knowing a couple of local people have my artwork. Family gets a lot of compliments using it, but I haven’t sold one by word of mouth yet.

Tried to work on more artwork this evening, but using Photoshop is still a painful experience, I find, and set it aside. ::sigh:: I’ll get there. Found an interesting looking book to add to my collection. It’s always a bit of a love/hate feeling to buy another reference book, when half of it covers the same basics every other book covers, just to glean a bit of new information.

Took a class and made this cute little bracelet the other day…

With Strange Things Emporium being vendor (event) based and online only right now, I expect sales to be slower. I really need to buck down and start photographing my jewelry again, but I’ve been lacking motivation. My work space needs a complete overhaul, and I get so lost :( There is a gallery at The Forks that might take my higher end items, but I need a substantial body of work (aka photographs). As fun and beautiful as they’ve been to make, I stopped focusing on them due to lack of sales… therefore I have few to photograph. Perhaps I need to return and refresh my memory on the style they carry; see if that inspires me. Finding the energy for everything is just going to get harder because…

Thursday is the last day of school! (yay! say my children!)

Summer is such a challenge.

I want to do so much with my girls, but in reality, working nights saps all my energy, leaving so much to be desired. During the summer I feel like such an abysmal parent because of it. The girls are very understanding, but it’s hard on them, too, being housebound while I nap. I am hoping this year, I can plan our afternoons better, and take them on picnics, or go exploring. I have a car now, which is an improvement over prior years. ::grins::

Friday we’ll kick off summer holidays with a trip to the movie theatre, and view Despicable Me 3. I’m sure many other parents will have the same plan, but it will still be fun. ::smiles::

See if I can get another recipe posted up. Now that my jar is free after making limoncello, I can make yogourt ::laughs:: Not for the faint of heart… it needs to culture for 5-8 hours. While I’m at it, I’d better make baguettes, too.

Back in a few days, I hope ❤


Homemade Limoncello :D

Lemon-infused vodka, waiting to be transformed!

This post has been a month in the making :D

[Excerpted from the May/June 2017 edition of Chatelaine]

Homemade Limoncello

Makes: 5 3/4 cups

Prep 10 min; total 25 min
Plus 1 hr cooling time

  • 1 750-mL bottle vodka, divided
  • 8-10 Meyer lemons, washed and quartered
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups granulated sugar [or 3, in my case]
  1. Divide 1 cup vodka bewteen 2 500-mL glass jars. Pack lemons very firmly into the jars. Seal, then let jars sit in a cool, dark place for at least 14 days and up to a month, turning and gently shaking jar once a day.
  2. Strain lemons, reserving liquid. Transfer lemons to a large pot with water and sugar. Set over medium high and cook until liquid is syrupy, about 15 minutes. Cool mixture and strain into the reserved liquid.
  3. Add remaining 2 cups vodka. Pour limoncello into clean bottles. Keep in the freezer until ready to serve.

Per tbs: 35 calories, 5g carbs (Note, a 1 oz serving would be 2 tbs, or 70 cals)

Notes and changes:

Now, I will say that when I made this, I made a few errors/changes. Not sure where I read to divide one cup of vodka into two jars, but this ultimately led to an *ahem* double batch. ::laughs:: And although I’ll swear up and down I purchased two 500mL jars from Michael’s, judging by volume, this appears to be a 1L jar holding my 2 cups of vodka and lemons… so.. who knows?

I also chose to slice my lemons for greater surface area, allowing more juice to exchange into the vodka than if I’d quartered them.

One important note… it smelled akin to turpentine when un-canning the jar. If this happens to you, don’t panic? I admit, I was worried the whole experiment was a bust. Was it the cheaper brand vodka I’d purchased? Perhaps, perhaps not.

After dusting off the magazine and realizing I needed more vodka at this stage (and realizing I was only supposed to soak 1 cup in lemon, not 2…) I bought a higher quality brand to finish the mix. To keep true to the recipe, I decided to double the batch to keep the ratios equal to the recipe. The syrup-water didn’t appear to be thickening, so we added another cup of sugar per batch (so 2 cups extra in total), and that seemed to do the trick. While warm, it still tasted… kind of weak and a little off.

Once I chilled it in the fridge (because there’s water content in it now and didn’t want to forget a full bottle in the freezer, eek!), I now had nicey, slightly syrupy… lemon tasting limoncello! I was really surprised how cooling it down brought out the flavour.

So there you have it.

Homemade Limoncello, stored in a glass bottle from Ikea.

Fun, easy to make Limoncello that you can wow your guests with and say you made at home!
(Is it cheaper than buying it? Probably not, but where’s the fun in that?)