Art Prints, and… RedBubble

It is nice to be drawing again… even if it’s only to finish old artwork. <3

5×7″ prints will be available for sale by the end of the month, I’m just waiting on the printers to complete and mail out my order. I am thinking $11USD shipped to anywhere in the world is decent, no? Let me know what you think!

I’ve also rediscovered RedBubble! I had signed up with them and then… stopped drawing (which is an utter shame). While I recommend buying prints directly ::wink wink:: I think it’s really neat to see my stuff printed on… stuff ::laughs::

You can find this and other items (phone covers, notebooks, etc) here. Most of the cost goes to the on-demand printing, but hey, it’s cool and every little bit supports me! :D

In other news, I am now the proud owner of a Nissan Leaf! (whoah!) It drives very nicely but the breaks are extremely sensitive, and take some getting used to. Still, I like it. Exclusive to Canadians… heated front and back seats as a default option, something the girls definitely appreciate. What car do you know of has command start from your phone? (Technology these days!)

Otherwise I continue to knit, knit, knit… which helps with my crazy anxiety. I’d rather draw, but it takes time to get into the rhythm, and I can knit while travelling to work, for example. Easier than a sketchbook.

Well, back to knitting ;)


It’s Hard to Turn Over a New Leaf

…when electric cars don’t have gas engines ;)

Signed my life away for a 2017 Nissan Leaf. According to the dealership, this is probably the first 2017 model sold in Canada. Pretty cool factoid, if you ask me!

The weather has become ridiculously warm. At 2°C for the past couple of days, the snow has been melting and to add insult to injury, it rained for the latter part of the day. Rather than complain, I reminded the girls it made for perfect snowball weather, with heavy, sticky snow. Snowballs also meant snowmen, and ‘Phee decided snowdragons were more impressive creations within the realm of possibility ::grins::

I’ve been feeling kind of scattered lately.

I cranked out more earrings for Strange Things Emporium. I think she said she has a venue this weekend, so fingers crossed for both of us! I should have kept a few pairs to photograph for Etsy, but I rushed them to the store while I had time to. Malachite with silver, steampunk gears… carnelian that looks like dripping  blood. All kinds of stuff.

They also need traditional painters/artists, so I spoke to the fellow running that part of the store. I’m hopeful. I just need to focus and draw.

But I’m also knitting… just seems the easiest thing to pick up and manage at the moment. I am also… obsessive sometimes. I started a project and I want to see it done, so while I might have a larger chunk of time to draw, now my mind is on knitting. There are dragons in the background too, hehe. They need to come to the forefront, as I probably have another craft sale lined up in March.

Lastly, I’ve been wrestling with taming my crafting space. There’s no way to work on some of these things (save the knitting) because I have no space to work! I bought a million shelves on clearance from Chapters, (hey, I’m surprised too!) They are floating shelves, so trying to find the right sort of things to put on them have been a challenge in the art room. They made a great spice rack in the kitchen, and cleaned up the clutter in both bathrooms very nicely! I just… have a lot of large things :P


Maybe some photos next update. I have lots and lots of goodies arriving in the mail ::smiles::

Small steps in the right direction

Firstly, new earrings available at Strange Things Emporium!

Not my usual style, but they fit in with the theme of the shop. I believe they are reasonably priced, so even better if they sell ;)

Next up, incorporating upcycling into my business model. I’ve become an avid tea drinker since discovering Earl’s Valentine (a seasonal black tea blend from  David’s Tea), and winter has bestowed upon me several of these beautiful display tins. I am thinking I can re-purpose them for earring containers, or possibly art. I used to have an interest in tiny dioramas, but stopped because I had no way to seal them away from dust. (I wonder if these will work, aesthetically speaking. Hrm… )

For kicks, I started priming the cases a few of them came in. They will either make great display cases… or they won’t. Either way I’ll have learned something, and the cases are still good for storage.

Not the direction I expected to take myself in, but art (ok, and possible sales!) pleases me :D There might be room to sell my traditional artwork at Strange Things Emporium, as well. I need to make inquiries and crank out some drawings if it works for me.

Until later <3

Excited About Plans <3

None of this “New Years resolutions” stuff, just the necessity of new agendas and calendars, haha.

Waiting on my Petit Prince agenda by Moleskine. Super, super excited about that! While my day-planning skills last year were the pits, I absolutely adored carrying around my little pocket agenda. (Can I be honest and say it was for the ruler?)

New year necessitates new time keeping paper. To that end, I also found some blank daily time keeping sheets by Happy Planner. Personally I’ve found it a challenge to find an hourly break-down of the day that goes beyond the supper hour. Their sheets break down the day from 6am to 10pm, which suits my eclectic schedule well. So I can now track long-term stuff in my day planner, and plan out my time for productivity around sleeping/mothering/appointments. Go me!

In theory, I rock ;)

Business cards arrived from, and to top it all off, they gave me free card holders. ::grins:: Very pretty, and very nice of them. I’m so impressed I plan to place an order for custom labels in the near future. That’s going to take some serious planning this week, I suppose.

Speaking of, my girls are on Winter Break for another week. They will be having their first sleep-over at their grandparents tomorrow; I worry ‘Phee will be homesick, so it might be best not to stray far from a phone.

As with many other people, I’m also waiting on several Boxing Day orders to arrive in the mail. ::laughs:: I bought some beautiful, unique picture frames to showcase my drawings. I’m positively beside myself with excitement! ::grins:: I’ve got a vague idea of what I want to draw, but wonder if that will change once the frames are in hand. Hopefully they will entice buyers… we’ll see.

Hrm, what else has happened over the holiday season?

Sold a necklace at Strange Things Emporium.

I  made a custom cremation pendant for a lady I’d met at one of my craft sales. She liked it enough to say she she might order more. I hope so; I had her permission to photograph the first one but didn’t get the opportunity to do so.

The girls enjoyed their gifts… I got a typewriter ::laughs:: and other goodies. I’ll have to split my down time between artwork and playing The Last Guardian. ;)

Anyway, enough rambling from me. Hoping to keep this upward feeling momentum.

Colour Me Pink

“You’re gonna miss me by my walk…Ohh
You’re gonna miss me by my talk
Oh, you’re gonna miss me when I’m gone.”
~Anna Kendrick


Adult colouring books have been all the rage for quite some time now, and I’ve done my best to sidestep the entire fad until this point. Well, while brainstorming ideas for Patreon, I… sort of came up with an idea. :P I always liked those books as a kid, where the images peel back like an onion and have something in common between the pages. I’m now exploring the idea of expounding upon this idea, but the reader colours in the pages. I already whipped two pages together fairly easily, but I’m stumped for what adventure to tell.

The idea stemmed from the suggestion that as a one-time thank-you for subscribing, I send my Patrons a post card from Berryl, the character behind ElvenAssassin. I think it’s a lovely idea! ::grins:: I just need to make what I’m posting there…. cohesive.

Now if I could just nail myself down to an idea, right?