
I thought
saw you
from across the room

it turns out

he only had your

that awkward wonder
of why he was here;
not sure if he should smile?

Fish out of water.


I saw Chris de Burgh in concert last week <3

It was fantastic, of course. ::grins from ear to ear:: In part, spending time with my best friend, but also in part, getting to hear Don’t pay the Ferryman live and up close! Just wow! He invited concert goers to come up front and dance at the end of the concert, and of course I left my phone with my purse at my seat! Still, it was amazing :)

Wish I had more stories to tell for you.

I feel very worn, and ground down with my day job, and it seems to seep into my spare time. I’ve been reading up a lot on, um, marketing? Passive income marketing, and it certainly sounds like the right idea, but when you look at it, it’s not really? Although it brings up the question… would writing an introductory art course (or book yeah?) on the basics of becoming successful at art, be a good idea?

I like the idea, but I worry I’ve spread myself too thin already. Too many ideas, not enough focus. I really need to stop chasing my tail…

Speaking of too many fingers in too many pies, I just ordered silicone moulds to make dragon eggs(!) Picture a wire wrapped egg with a little dragon inside, if you will. I am cautiously optimistic that I can make these, although it will be a 2-3 month wait for the supplies, sigh. It’s hard to complain when the price is right, though!

I signed up for a craft sale in a few days. I want to be excited but instead it’s causing anxiety… fingers crossed it nets me some interest in GelMoment? That would be very, very cool. I would absolutely adore it if I had a client, or two, or five. ;) Of course, it would be equally wonderful if I sold some jewelry as well.

Thursday I hope to visit my grandparents <3 They live out of town and I certainly don’t see them enough. Makes me very happy my girls get to meet them.

That is all my ramble for this morning.

Until later <3

Falling for New Beginnings

My apologies for the lack of updates in August!

We went travelling to Ontario for two weeks, and every day was a fast paced blur. Life returning home has not slowed down either until now.

The girls enjoyed their first day back at school. Dragonet’s classroom is remarkably huge! Phee’s classroom has a pint-sized exercise bike that I suspect she will get lots of use out of in the coming months… They are an amazing tool, I’ve heard, in helping to burn off restless energy and allow children to focus.

I am slowly becoming proficient with a camera, yay!

Macro shots are my favourite; I practised taking photos of flowers, lichen, and water droplets during recent hikes. The girls were given disposable cameras for their trip that I should develop soon; it will be quite interesting to see how they turn out! I purchased a selfie stick (gasp) that was never used… hopefully it works better as a part of the tripod it came with.

Of all the places to photograph, I think Niagara Falls was my favourite. I was not aware they light up the falls at night, and those last photographs of the evening I felt the most proud of.

I’ve been trying to get photos uploaded to show you but that isn’t happening any time soon (as in, it’s been days trying to coordinate this entry), so an update is better than no update?

I tried experimental painting yesterday. Always good to get out of one’s comfort zone! I am debating on how to list those for sale.

That’s all for now; I’ll try my best to make up for radio silence <3

New Artwork Posted: 4×6″ Gold and Green Dragons

Artwork has been slow, but steady.

Still, two more drawings complete, and one more to go! The accordion book is nearing completion as well, with only the cover left to paint.

I am being encouraged by friends to write/illustrate a children’s book. ::smiles:: A lovely sentiment.

Maybe an idea will spring to mind; I have visions of “Frank the mouse” charming our curious green dragon into an unlikely friendship. Any artwork will likely take a back seat this week as I have signed up for some workshops intended to improve my business skills; one to learn to sell myself, the other to better organize my time.


Took the girls to see Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets opening weekend; I found it enjoyable, and the girls did too. One of the previews was for A Wrinkle In Time, and I am stoked to see that one too, to put it mildly. ::laughs:: I’m pleased the preview piqued Dragonet’s interest, as I’ve owned the book for a couple of decades, ::whistles:: and she’s finally interested in reading it.

Just a small update today. I harvested buckets of sour cherries from my yard, which resulted in a delectable pie. Good enough I need to share the recipe. ::grins:: Next update.

Catch you then <3

Sold my artwork ❤

I sold a 5×7″ print of my little pseudodragon! ❤

I also sold a small tote with him printed on it, too ::beams:: There is very little profit margin, but it gives me warm fuzzies knowing a couple of local people have my artwork. Family gets a lot of compliments using it, but I haven’t sold one by word of mouth yet.

Tried to work on more artwork this evening, but using Photoshop is still a painful experience, I find, and set it aside. ::sigh:: I’ll get there. Found an interesting looking book to add to my collection. It’s always a bit of a love/hate feeling to buy another reference book, when half of it covers the same basics every other book covers, just to glean a bit of new information.

Took a class and made this cute little bracelet the other day…

With Strange Things Emporium being vendor (event) based and online only right now, I expect sales to be slower. I really need to buck down and start photographing my jewelry again, but I’ve been lacking motivation. My work space needs a complete overhaul, and I get so lost :( There is a gallery at The Forks that might take my higher end items, but I need a substantial body of work (aka photographs). As fun and beautiful as they’ve been to make, I stopped focusing on them due to lack of sales… therefore I have few to photograph. Perhaps I need to return and refresh my memory on the style they carry; see if that inspires me. Finding the energy for everything is just going to get harder because…

Thursday is the last day of school! (yay! say my children!)

Summer is such a challenge.

I want to do so much with my girls, but in reality, working nights saps all my energy, leaving so much to be desired. During the summer I feel like such an abysmal parent because of it. The girls are very understanding, but it’s hard on them, too, being housebound while I nap. I am hoping this year, I can plan our afternoons better, and take them on picnics, or go exploring. I have a car now, which is an improvement over prior years. ::grins::

Friday we’ll kick off summer holidays with a trip to the movie theatre, and view Despicable Me 3. I’m sure many other parents will have the same plan, but it will still be fun. ::smiles::

See if I can get another recipe posted up. Now that my jar is free after making limoncello, I can make yogourt ::laughs:: Not for the faint of heart… it needs to culture for 5-8 hours. While I’m at it, I’d better make baguettes, too.

Back in a few days, I hope ❤