One Very *Small* Step Closer…

I have a lot of learning to do!

Oh dear.

So, I went to this event, and it wasn’t quite as it sounds. It’s not a chance to sell your book idea exactly, it is a chance to get some feedback from publishers before submitting!

I wasn’t told I had a bad idea. In fact, I was told I probably have a lot of options by way of publishers’ interests when choosing a publisher (in Canada).

But. It was also said – in the kindest way – to polish my manuscript via peer review before submitting, only because I am admittedly wet behind the ears at this.  Meaning, go to some workshops. Check out the local mentor program via the sponsoring group of the event. He said that as a publisher, he just didn’t have the time to tell me what was wrong with my manuscript, and reminded me there are only two ways to succeed… repeated failure, and finally success!

::smiles:: I left encouraged.

I talked with a writer friend of mine this morning who is in a similar boat (the ‘we really should get published’ club). He shared with me the advice he was just given as well: do not chase publishers until you have a finished manuscript. To be fair, the thought of getting accepted NOW was rather frightening, as I know it’s set and ready to barrel down the course I’ve laid… but the beginning I have is nonsensical and improper for a book. I’m not entirely sure how to write the correct set-up.

A problem for another day, as life and bills, and the label of starving artist get in the way. (As in, writing does not pay the bills, although it needs to be done if I am to get somewhere in this… ) Today it is raining and… the province has switched to a five-year licence subscription model. If it sounds confusing, I agree with you. I’m debating on painting in the rain rather than going for an hour’s walk to get that sorted (silly me did not understand why I was in arrears). However, it is less time and more fun to be out painting. ^_^ I also want to pick up flour to bake bread (which is on the way to/from the insurance company), yet… again, not during a walk in the rain.

But. Next art/writing goal is to create a regime.  I think I am going to just HAVE to do that. Set up blocks of time where the internet is shut off, which perhaps precludes buying a new dictionary/thesaurus (where did my high school one go?), because Merriam-Webster’s website and handy(!) phone app is just a gateway to Facebook and time-wasting. Eesh.

I suppose it’s time to learn a skill I’ve always lacked; self-discipline… but hey, I’ve got this too. ::smiles::

One Step Closer to Publishing A Book!

Bring out the confetti, I’m going to Vegas?

I am SOOO excited! I don’t have a book deal in hand… but I’ve made it past the preliminary screening! Saturday I turn my life upside down in order to squeeze in a chance to pitch my book idea to a panel of publishers. Tickled pink is… well, it doesn’t cover the half of it! A first and real chance to publish a book!

Continue reading “One Step Closer to Publishing A Book!”

And DONE! (have some art!)

My synopsis is submitted!

I am SO stoked! And proud of myself! It was very hard to go into my ‘professional’ email account (the one I use for sending resumés) and see my rejection letter sitting there at the top. I suppose I could delete it, but it is something to measure the others to… or something. (It’s a first of it’s kind and I’m oddly sentimental about such things.
There you have it.)

Anyways! I am now committed! I am dying to share my submission, because the fact is, I’m absurdly proud to be succinct and tell the heart of it in only three sentences. ::laughs:: As you can see, brevity is NOT my forte!

Continue reading “And DONE! (have some art!)”