The Cintiq Companion Is A Pretty Little Thing

The Cintiq Companion Is A Pretty Little Thing

“When she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.”
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Any veteran that has set up a Windows machine will probably tell you that computers can be a love-hate relationship, and the Cintiq Companion by Wacom, is no exception. I say this, and yet she is beauty, right out of the box.  Continue reading “The Cintiq Companion Is A Pretty Little Thing”

And DONE! (have some art!)

My synopsis is submitted!

I am SO stoked! And proud of myself! It was very hard to go into my ‘professional’ email account (the one I use for sending resumés) and see my rejection letter sitting there at the top. I suppose I could delete it, but it is something to measure the others to… or something. (It’s a first of it’s kind and I’m oddly sentimental about such things.
There you have it.)

Anyways! I am now committed! I am dying to share my submission, because the fact is, I’m absurdly proud to be succinct and tell the heart of it in only three sentences. ::laughs:: As you can see, brevity is NOT my forte!

Continue reading “And DONE! (have some art!)”

A Faltering Weakness

Anxiety is a very crippling, and hard thing to work through.

I let it trip me up yesterday. And… to be honest, sitting here to discuss it instead of loading my dishwasher and clearing my counters is testament to the fact that it’s still troubling me, although to a lesser degree.

Because… housework. And cooking! It doesn’t do itself, you know.

Perhaps a brisk walk in the lingering, cool, spring air to collect fresh vegetables from the grocery store once the stock has begun simmering… anything to feed this wanderlust.

Continue reading “A Faltering Weakness”

Chin Up, Carry On.

[all successes lead from failures]

No apologies. No excuses. No suggestion of coming up short.

Believe in the product.

Here is my work; I believe we’re a good fit.
I invite you to feel the same.


::shrugs:: I’m paraphrasing, so don’t shoot me for my arrogance, please? Alas, one can’t sell a short stack of cards. (I may know I have talent, but 8 drawings makes for a really slim body of work.)

It was a very professional let down.

I can’t properly put into words the relief and bitter disappointment to receive such a well practiced, polite, rejection letter. Mind you, it’s the first of its kind, but it was so well put (No thank-you, but I wish you luck!) …I can’t imagine I’ll be quite so fortunate at the next stumbling block.

But, we are all here to learn, and dust off the pieces. Truly, success is earned, not given. While I am nursing that lesson, I’ll be holed up with some rice pudding, me thinks. (Chocolate mint ice cream would be preferable, but I’ll work with what I have.)

Then it’s time to put the disappointment to good use and create something else.