Drawing is the sweet melody I had forgotten

Perhaps that sounds overly dramatic, but you’ll find out in short order that I love dramatic flare. ::laughs::

Life is meant to be dazzling, and euphoric… so often it isn’t. So often we let it get that way, and accept the status norm. …and I mean that, not ‘status quo’ as that’s not the bar we should aim to set; it’s the one we set so that we never fail. Our comfort zone, no matter how squalid.

And yet, this frantic need to work and draw! Oh, I’ve been running on an effervescent high for days. Days! I am past the panic now. We are hitting elation… I am really, really blessed to be able to sit at my computer and let the demands of Motherhood fall to the sides for a few days. Working into the wee hours, being spared the production of preparing my eldest for school, save to braid her beautifully long hair…

To work in black and white… I never thought that was something that could be appreciated by others. Granted,  this is my comfort zone I am learning to grow from,  but also an area at which I really shine.

For love of prospects,  love of process,  and love of creating beauty. Heady combination.  :)



Sometimes it’s hard to be positive

I’m still plodding away and drawing, so that’s positive, even if the road along the way has been bumpy.

I missed the deadline to that contest – I felt two weeks wasn’t enough time to perfect my artwork to my liking – but that’s ok. I did hit a wall once the deadline passed – in part, loss of impetus, in part no solid grasp of what direction to take my work in – but I think I’m finally back at it.

One large hurdle has been seamlessly transferring my work between desktop and cellphone. May I take a moment to laud Sketchbook Pro for mobile. It is everything Photoshop Touch should be, but isn’t. ::rolls eyes:: Although I have to gripe that their update a couple of days ago now enforces maximum file sizes, so I can no longer move my million-layer files directly to my Samsung Note 3, and port it back. Three is a very annoying maxim. I’ll deal with it because I have to, however. There are no pen presents in Photoshop Touch, and worse, they don’t explicitly tell you that your mobile work is read-only on the desktop. Any work you save, is flattened on re-import. ::shakes head:: Ridiculous, to put it mildly.

It’s just been so hard to feel happy. I’ve been listening to a  Trance radio station via my cable tv provider, as it’s way better (in my opinion) than the tripe on the radio. Every where I turn, life – especially music – echoes the hole inside. That missing someone everyone has. And music which is so intrinsic to my joy, is forever tied up both of our identities. So I cannot escape within my deepest solace. So happiness is hard.

But I found this at Etsy the other week.



(Actually, I found it on Facebook, but I hunted down where it originated from.) The Canadian artist currently is “on vacation” at the moment and has closed her shop, but I have a spot above my desk earmarked for a paid print when it’s for sale again.

A good reminder that happiness is a choice, and there’s more than one way to choose it.

OpenDiary has died; time to get serious.

Well, perhaps at the time of writing, OpenDiary is not defunct but it’s certainly dead in the water.

Any time in the next week, it will simply cease to exist.
And that will be that.

So a good reason as any to quit forgetting about this space and putting it to use.
Shame the lease is up in two months, but one step at a time, right?

They were lovers once.
With broken hearts they said goodbye
She to leave her heart behind
He to keep it all
