
Returning to Writing: My Journey Back

I’ve truly missed writing here, and hope to re-liven up the place :D

What’s with the six year gap? o.O Illness. Illness is a horrible creature.

My hope goal is to get back to my artwork, and eventually jewelry making, while documenting my time along the way. I had aspirations to post recipes before I fell ill. That seems an excellent theme I’d like to dust off and attempt again ::grins::

Some stumbling blocks currently… I am still sick, although I am a million times better than I have been. Unfortunately, I am not well enough to be working. My electronics are in a similar state… My computer is still running Windows 8.1, wow. My drawing tablet is about 16 years old, and my new(er) tablet is a Wacom Companion without a power supply. Fixing it (especially with Christmas around the corner) has not been in the budget. If you’re reading this, and would love to donate to my repair fund, I have a Ko-Fi account. (Ko-Fi is pronounced “coffee” as in the premise, if you like what you see, please buy me a coffee!) If you do, I will love you anonymously to pieces! :D

I’d say the big “what’s new?” since my last post, would be my dip into the world of quilting. I’ve got my fingers crossed for Electric Quilt 8 under the Christmas Tree. I have a pattern that I’ve written by hand, and would like to write it professionally. More on that in a new post. :) It deserves pictures :D

The most frustrating thing of my illness, perhaps, is how easily tired I become, especially when it comes to articulating myself, so I will keep this short today.

Hope to see you soon <3

The Copper Dragon of Nova Scotia

In the South Upland of Nova Scotia, some folk whisper tales of a copper dragon, while others insist such mendacity is grossly exaggerated.

Instead, they argue, such outlandish yarns are merely the work of an eccentric – but wizened – old hermit by the name of Aillig*, most noted for his unusually stubborn crop of copper-coloured hair. His appearance is matched only by his peculiar taste for lamb when surrounded by water.

Finding him? is a bit of a game they laugh, at anyone foolish to press for more. No two fishermen will agree on which cove he sets his traps, or just where the lamb he boasts of, was pastured in.

No matter the tale, all agree that Aillig – should you cross paths – loves to describe in vivid detail, of how sheep once used to be important on the peninsula**. If you listen long enough, you’d almost believe he brought them over himself…

When pressed for his opinion about finding a copper dragon in these parts, he will look you dead in the eye. “So they tell me,” he winks and refuses to say more. The light glints off his hair and for split second you think… No. It’s not possible. It was just a trick of the light, you admonish yourself, reluctantly drawing your attention back to his boastful collection of 52 lighthouse figurines made by entirely different artists.

You think it might be time to beg your leave…


For more short stories and artwork, please consider supporting me at Patreon.



*Ailig, origin:Scottish meaning: a person from a rocky location

** Sheep farming in Canada

Introducing the Remarkable Dragons of Canada

What if I told you that dragons walked amongst us?

Some might call it crazy, or fanciful – a child’s tale even – but as any true believer will whisper over tankards of ale, dragons are predators, superior above all others; masters at blending into their surroundings.

2018: the year of the …dragon?

My goal for 2018 is to provide you with artwork and stories about [mostly] dragons… Dragons [and creatures] scattered across the whole of Canada; some found in the Canadian wilds, and yet others artfully posing as humans.

Shape-shifting dragons you say? Aye, the noble metallic dragons can do that! To compliment these stories, I intend to delve into the local cuisine of each area, so that you too, may dine like a dragon ;)

The Canadian Angle

For this lofty goal, I was inspired by the number of provinces and territories in my home country aligning closely with content from Wizards of the Coast’s 5th edition SRD. I intend to release thirteen different archetypes as they relate to our provinces and territories.

I’ve always wanted to blog about food, and the trifecta of passions seem perfect <3

Dragons: a Tentative Release Schedule

In order to squeeze a baker’s dozen into the year, I will be releasing focused content in approximate 4 week intervals. My goal is to have a finished drawing (or more) for every block. Sneak peaks will be released to Patreon first, then posted here. Finished product will become available for sale at Etsy. Throughout the four weeks, I intend to post inspired recipes for your enjoyment :)

Currently planned out:

  • Jan 1st – 28th / Nova Scotia / The Copper Dragon of Nova Scotia
    • Wine braised pork loin with cranberry and blueberry sauce
  • Jan 29th – Feb 18th / Newfoundland / Gold Dragons
  • and more to come…

Feel free to keep an eye on or bookmark this page! I will be updating it as recipes and entries come out. Drop a note and let me know if you’d like to see a monthly digest including recipes and freebies sent to your inbox! :D

New digital wallpaper listed at Etsy!

::beams:: I did a thing <3

Fantasy Dragon iPhone Samsung Android Lock Screen Wallpaper I participated in a Facebook challenge at the beginning of the month, which gave me the needed push to make finishing touches on my dragon sketch, and list it for sale as a lock screen or wallpaper for your phone/tablet.

You can find them on Etsy here:

My current version in print can be found here. I even found some very lovely royalty-free mock-up photos, as you can see ;)

I’ve also been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work. I have had this idea of introduce… dragons in the Canadian wilds. ::grins:: I’d like to start that for the New Year, but I’ve been trying to map out content to post here for the entire year, and I’ve run out of steam. I have the general monthly themes nailed down, (yay!) but I’m stumped on how to thematically tie all my drawings together. (boo.)

I think part of the problem is that my night job is kicking ass and taking names :P All my planning time has been spent recuperating, but I aim to change that.

Along with drawings in the works, I’ve ordered dice to make jewelry! Some of my dice have already arrived… but I am still waiting on the cords. I don’t expect to have further updates on that until the end of January.

That’s it around here for now. Go check out the fresh artwork for sale <3