
When is it Gas Lighting?

We are a sum of our parts, we are told.
A product of nurture vs. nature.

Science now tells us that anxiety, and terror ~ our life experiences! ~ alter our DNA… that our past literally weaves itself into our very essence, and therefore becomes passed down to our offspring.

The good news is, nurture can correct a lot of this, although not all of it, unfortunately. So while I worry about how my high-strung nature affects my daughters in myriads of ways… that’s incidental to the issue that’s currently plaguing me.

“Why do you always have to be the victim?”
“You think the world is out to get you.”
“You always take things the very worst way.”

And yet, no, I don’t believe that.
I work hard to defend the other person and see their side; I think the only thing that’s changed in twenty years is having less energy to be choked up about their opinion when I have tried repeatedly to appease them, to seemingly no avail.

So when is it gas lighting? Or am I truly off my rocker, as it were? Continue reading “When is it Gas Lighting?”

A Lot Can Happen In Two Weeks

In two weeks less a day, I will be flying solo at this craft sale and I have to admit the closer the day gets, the more nervous I become. I know that’s to be expected, but it’s starting to eat up my attention, as I take stock of my inventory and decide what needs to be done to round things out. Continue reading “A Lot Can Happen In Two Weeks”

Perfectly Imperfect

You call me perfect
but I’m not.

I am
broken, beaten, battered
in a million pieces.

Sure, I sparkle
I’ll be your night sky

but, I am
rough around the edges
~sharp like a knife~

Kiss me, hold me
mold me, love me

I’ll be your reflection
your light in the dark

render me
impossible, unstoppable
soft and sublime

but in the end
remember that in my perfection
I am

perfectly imperfect

Craft Sales, Art, and Other Things

So, I am going to attempt a craft sale again… this time by my merit.

After the first [and last] sale, I am extremely nervous. Last time I was mysteriously ill (seems to be a contact rash coupled with copious amounts of stress), and missed nearly the entire event, spending half my time in the hospital or sleeping. I expect much less… drama and excitement this time around.
Continue reading “Craft Sales, Art, and Other Things”