
Excited About Plans <3

None of this “New Years resolutions” stuff, just the necessity of new agendas and calendars, haha.

Waiting on my Petit Prince agenda by Moleskine. Super, super excited about that! While my day-planning skills last year were the pits, I absolutely adored carrying around my little pocket agenda. (Can I be honest and say it was for the ruler?)

New year necessitates new time keeping paper. To that end, I also found some blank daily time keeping sheets by Happy Planner. Personally I’ve found it a challenge to find an hourly break-down of the day that goes beyond the supper hour. Their sheets break down the day from 6am to 10pm, which suits my eclectic schedule well. So I can now track long-term stuff in my day planner, and plan out my time for productivity around sleeping/mothering/appointments. Go me!

In theory, I rock ;)

Business cards arrived from, and to top it all off, they gave me free card holders. ::grins:: Very pretty, and very nice of them. I’m so impressed I plan to place an order for custom labels in the near future. That’s going to take some serious planning this week, I suppose.

Speaking of, my girls are on Winter Break for another week. They will be having their first sleep-over at their grandparents tomorrow; I worry ‘Phee will be homesick, so it might be best not to stray far from a phone.

As with many other people, I’m also waiting on several Boxing Day orders to arrive in the mail. ::laughs:: I bought some beautiful, unique picture frames to showcase my drawings. I’m positively beside myself with excitement! ::grins:: I’ve got a vague idea of what I want to draw, but wonder if that will change once the frames are in hand. Hopefully they will entice buyers… we’ll see.

Hrm, what else has happened over the holiday season?

Sold a necklace at Strange Things Emporium.

I  made a custom cremation pendant for a lady I’d met at one of my craft sales. She liked it enough to say she she might order more. I hope so; I had her permission to photograph the first one but didn’t get the opportunity to do so.

The girls enjoyed their gifts… I got a typewriter ::laughs:: and other goodies. I’ll have to split my down time between artwork and playing The Last Guardian. ;)

Anyway, enough rambling from me. Hoping to keep this upward feeling momentum.


She ran her fingers across the tapestry lightly, the silk threads cool beneath the touch; the still images dancing to life in her mind’s eye.

This is a strong lifeline, she nodded absently, with practiced steps guiding her. Fabric slipped through her fingers, a small gap breaking the otherwise uninterrupted sensation.

Horses. A farm. This one will grow up to be a fine farmer…

Measured steps stopped suddenly. She frowned to herself. A suitor, coming to call… a fairy tale romance for all to see… First the cutting remarks behind closed doors, then the well placed beatings no one would find. Outwardly the perfect couple…


The thread broken; harmony restored.

A self satisfied smirk graced her lips, albeit briefly.

“What are you doing over there?” patronized one of her two companions, “Ruining a beautiful tapestry.”

She sniffed in disdain, “Our job, and yours not to question.” Muttered oaths traveled further away as she stroked the silk lovingly, the magic thrumming happily now up her arm.

“You’re free, little bird,” she smiled to herself. “Fly, and show me what you can do…”

Busy, Busy Bee

Christmas is literally around the corner, and I am very, very busy with handmade gifts, wrapping presents, and still need to find time for baking! ::laughs:: Lots to be done.

I hope to take photos to show everyone, and of course, links to instructions.

Hope you like the new layout. I still have to learn how to tinker with it… I love the landing page, but I’m less enthused about the other pages, so I’m undecided. As per above, I’m busy with more important things. ::laughs again:: so probably something to focus on in the new year.

Much love this holiday season,

Scarves and Yarn Stashes

No pictures of my work, I’m afraid.

I did a lot better at my 2nd craft sale. While I only sold items to one customer, I was in the same boat as other vendors, and traded a lot of items. I now have beautiful shades of purple and magenta mixing bowls from Tupperware, plus other goodies, mwahaha!

Two of my infinity scarves sold, so that was nice as well.  ::smiles:: I am still swamped under scarves and need… well, more. Sort of :P They are excellent samplers, and a nice way to learn new techniques. For example, I got tired of waiting for my cabling needles to arrive from China, and I’m attempting cables for the first time… without any extra special tools! Go me!

::struts:: I’m ridiculously proud of myself, and you know what? It even looks good, if I do say so myself (and I do).

I haven’t figured out how to go about listing them for sale… but I’m sure it’s going to be stiff competition, whether it’s on Facebook or Etsy. Of course, the girls lose scarves almost as quickly as they lose their mittens, so I may not have extras to spare. ::laughs:: Their school will also accept donations, so I have options, one way or another.

As for zee stash, it is filled with practical, and not-so-practical stuff to knit with. I bought yarn that was pretty, with no idea what I’d knit, so I have lots and lots of pairs of skeins, meaning I only have enough of one colour to, well, make a scarf. Heh.

While sorting today, I took this picture (for shopping purposes. Don’t you ever do that?).

I am one of those people who can never leave things well enough alone; I’ve found a sweater pattern I want to tackle and I’m thinking this yarn may be an acceptable substitute. Probably shouldn’t mess with changing the fiber type when size matters, but it will be a learning experience no matter how it turns out.

I am behind on some orders for ornaments for friends (none sold, but family and friends like ’em!). Extra appointments on top of shuttling children to extra-curricular activities. This candle is pretty much burnt out. Blah.

Oh oh oh! Don’t recall if I said some of my jewelry is being sold at Strange Things Emporium? Apparently some of it has already sold ::preens:: I will have to go down in person and see what’s gone and whether I should supply similar items.

That’s all for now,