New Artwork Posted: 4×6″ Red Dragon

So, I did a thing ^_^


I began this little dragon a few weeks ago when helping out at FanQuest, and then tucked him out of sight. It wasn’t until two days ago that I rediscovered the little fellow, and here are the fruits of my labour ::smiles::

I received a lovely 4×6″ sample booklet at a vendor show recently, and I think a series of drawings should be in order. Once the series is completed, I will list the whole collection for sale. Maybe I can use this for the basis of opening my Patreon account, what say you?


First day of Summer Holidays was spent taking the girls to the theatre. They enjoyed. ^_^

For Canada Day, we went out to The Camp. I was able to take some lovely photos, and the girls were invited to be in a parade through the campground, so everyone had a lovely time.

And S’mores. Can you believe for this reason or that, I don’t remember eating a S’more before? I can’t even tell you why, other than my parents never packed them when camping. My life is complete now. ::laughs::

Just a small update this time. Back to drawing ;)