Words cannot explain how excited I am!
(Honestly, I’ve been trying for hours! ::laughs::)
It would be silly to abandon Etsy after printing 200 business cards with my Etsy store listed, but Etsy is not working for me right now, as I last mentioned. I’ve wanted to host my own items here from the start, to be honest, but have not known how to go about it. Well, I’m excited to say I’ve found a lovely plug-in for WordPress that will grow with me. Free, robust, and lacking a few nice, but non-essential items in the free column (A redirect after purchase would be nice to have, but its absence is not a deal-breaker.) From what I’ve seen, it loads a little slowly, but when it does, well, you can see for yourself ;)
For today, I have one listing, but I like that I can grow it at my pace, without overhead. Once I have my storefront rebuilt, I can consider porting my listings back into Etsy. Even cooler, what I have listed here, I can sell from Facebook. Mind blown.
I’ve never seen that before!
One caveat: Facebook doesn’t let the app show for mobile browsers, but I’m still game to try it. ::grins::
This week’s goals will be to help my friend at her shop by taking photos, and itemizing my own items for sale. (Bonus, if I can make these two goals overlap?)

My GelMoment kit arrived today and I have to say I’ve been bitten by the girlie bug. ::sticks tongue out:: Not only do I love teal, but I’ve had ideas brewing for bracelets, and I am excited* at the prospect this will make my photos stand out.**
*(there’s that word again :p)
**(I’m really starting to sound like a broken record, aren’t I?)
Maybe Friday, expect a recipe from me? I’m open to suggestions. ::grins again:: I would almost kill for suggestions. ::laughs:: What’s a girl got to do to get notes around here?
Ah well. Friday I shall dust off my apron and see what I come up with.
Let the wagers begin.