I can’t remember a time picking up watercolors when they weren’t pressed into cakes for children, or when there wasn’t fear and refusal to marr a watercolour pencil drawing with water.
I am blessed and humbled with this simple gift of paper, and supplies. Today marks the third – and final – morning of camaraderie and advice needed to finish such a whimsical piece.
My art training causes me to wince at composition. See the petals? At least the movement sweeps the eye across the page before it dumps you right off… Perhaps my skepticism will melt before the finished product. I’m enjoying this learning exercise and appreciate being free of the burden of “wasting XYZ (money, materials, and therefore my time)” because it wasn’t ‘perfect.’
Anyhow, the children are clamouring for breakfast and I’m excited to get back to it, so off I go!