Spring Gives Way To Fall…
Each stroke is a learning process…
Yes, light colours can be layered over top of dark.
Dark ones do not have to cast out the light ones beneath.
Can I draw hands and feet to save my life? Certainly not when pressed for time and without reference materials. But that wasn’t the point of the exercise. The point is to lay down paint and observe what it does.
And to be happy.
This painting began as a way to commemorate this late blooming Spring…  I drew the fairy pregnant with the new life that Mother Nature has been loathe to share this year. I thought to make her wings flower petals, but somewhere between pencil to paper I realized it looked so empty, and perhaps she needed “babies.” Take away the fairy and what’s left looked to me like fallen leaves.
Well, nature gives birth in the fall, too. Perhaps this little fairy is heralding the changing of the seasons; just not the one I expected.
And happiness. If nothing else, she’s given me that.
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