In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been tinkering with the site.
I think it’s much closer to what I want… I hope that doesn’t upset anyone. I like having a static welcome page. ::smiles:: I even added some more artwork to my portfolio page at the nudging of a friend. If you’ve been reading for any time, it’s only the artwork I’ve featured here already. I will properly add some pencil work, once I have the time to water mark them. I would have sooner, but it’s been a busy couple of days.
My brother was married today! ::smiles:: And tomorrow my sister is taking me out in honour of Mother’s Day. Monday will be spent babysitting for a good friend of mine… and coupled with the trip to the bowling lane on Friday, I feel as if I should be cheering to have managed this much. ::laughs:: But soon. I will add more artwork soon.
One thing that I have dearly wanted to add for some time now, are recipes! Which… I just haven’t sat down to make time to cook/bake anything special. I will be fixing that in the near future as well, too. I have a licorice recipe I’m excited to share once we finally cook a second batch and iron out all the kinks. ::laughs again:: It was good, but it wasn’t licorice!
Anyways…. plans! I’ve got ’em. And if you don’t hear from me for a few days… it’s because I’m suffocated under children and laundry. O_o