To be honest, I didn’t expect to succumb to more dragons quite so quickly, but some how I’ve ended up on a roll. (To be frank, I had a nude portrait in mind for my next project.)
Yesterday I found myself inspired by this beautiful photo that graced my Facebook news feed…

…and these are today’s results:
For a first draft, I am remarkably pleased. No doubt I was heavily influenced towards dragons by this lovely book that arrived by post the same morning. ::grins::
If you enjoy dragons and drawing, I strongly encourage you to go to his website and look at the set! If you want help learning to use Photoshop, I would definitely recommend this book, as I feel this it is more definitive than his Dragons of the World title. I am also reminded that I need to study the term ébauche, as it was unfamiliar to me prior. (hrm… If partial nudity does not bother you, this link appears to be an excellent discourse on the history of it; otherwise merely think of it as the under painting.)
Tomorrow is filled with minding children, for the most part. There are also a group of mothers that have banded together to support a colleague. While I missed the ‘save the date’, I do hope to drop in during the early morning to see if it’s not too late to participate.
I have mixed feelings about the weather tomorrow; historically it is not safe to plant until the May Long weekend (due in a few days), but I do get impatient after being cooped up over winter. :P With last week’s good weather I nearly took my chances, but life got in the way. This is proof I knew better! Still, no one wants snow… in May. Thursday I hope to finish tending the garden and prepare the beds for planting. At least I can do that while I wait for the cold weekend to pass. ::smiles::
All that to say… life is more than drawing, and I may not have a story to tell for a few days… least not any artwork to share when my hands are full.
Be well!