Spring Seedlings (of a different kind)

No photos, because my piddly phone is acting up, but I made my first seed bead bracelets. ::cheers:

I don’t know how to tie off the ends properly… but that’s a minor technicality, right? (Work for another day.)

It’s nice to make something new, ::grins:: perfect or not.

As for seedlings, I’m never very good at raising seeds indoors in February, but the garden has finally thawed out, and I can go in and start cutting back my raspberry canes, and tossing out all the dead plant matter. I need to get more dirt trucked in too, somehow. Bring up parts of my garden bed… Didn’t get to garden last year, and I’ve missed my plants and the work.

Nothing much else to chatter about. Was just excited and had to share :D


So I’m back to working on that dragon…

It’s been a busy time over here in the Land of the Elves, as it were. The Littles have been keeping us very busy with recitals, and school picnics and such. Next week is The Last of It All and then my weekends are free to garden… in theory. I had hoped to spend time there this evening, but the rain had other plans.

Actually, that is not entirely true; I had also hoped to attend a local SCA event today, but rain and over tired children conspired against me. I have been wondering about returning to archery, but that may not be in the cards, just yet. Travel and rentals fees add up very quickly… we’ll see. I miss it, a lot. Actually I owe a post about that; I had a lot of fun returning to our local chapter and losing arrows in the field ::laughs::

Anyway, about that artwork. I finally have been able to get back to it, to some degree. I really need to set a regimen down for myself. So many hours writing, and so many hours drawing. With Dragonet, my eldest about to be home from school for the summer… there is going to be extra challenge to do so AND keep both children occupied. I’m really not sure how we’ll manage yet, but somehow we must.

There has also been the challenge of working in and improving my garden. The dirt here is called “Manitoba Gumbo” due to the incredibly high clay content. I was amazed to realize just how much of it still plagues the garden. In addition, there is the general slow shaping and management of the garden. The delivery truck dumped half my soil on the driveway last year, and it’s time to finish moving that, for example…

And key is not to get carried away with too many plants, as I’m wont to do. ::laughs::

But you came here for the drawing!


I guess it really does look off with the wings unfinished… but I have been working on it, slowly. I changed the joints around a little bit.

I’m not sold on the changes (all the orange over top of the green), but it’s good practice.

My desktop computer kicked the bucket and I haven’t properly sat down to test the components. That has been a setback to writing and drawing, although I am beginning to get used to my tablet as a main drawing system. (22″ down to 13″ is… an adjustment.)

Anyway, it goes around here. :)