Although the weather in Manitoba threatens snow, it is finally spring! I am looking forward to walking in the warmer weather, and taming wilderness that has become my garden…
Much of the snow is gone, and now it is only a matter of time. ::grins::
Pruning sheers seem to always break or go missing, but I won’t let that deter me; last year I did not have energy to tackle the beast until summer was nearly underway and it was much too little too late. I have great ambitions this year to rescue it and bring it to its former glory <3
Speaking of good weather, I managed to take advantage of the warming temperatures and photographed my wares outside in the joyous, sunny light. Days later and I am still laughing that a little one spotted my bare toes on their way home from school, while I was hunched over and taking pictures.

I had not expected them to be noticeable! ::smiles::
In other news, the basement is still drying out. I need to buy a carpet knife to cut it to pieces and dispose of it. The one we have is too dull. ::sigh:: I have since been hit with the flu and calling the insurance brokers was not on my mind. It will have to go on my list of things to do after some rest. I seem to have several issues to contend with this week. Without getting into too much detail, I have some unpleasant legal matters to attend to. It is my sincerest wish that this matter is concluded promptly as it has already taken up too much of my time and energy.
But enough sourness! While I wait on pins and needles for my jewelry to catch the eyes of strangers (are lack of reviews holding them back, I wonder?), someone noticed my stuff via a mutual acquaintance, and I might have another sale. They are thinking about it. This cheers me immensely as garnering exposure on Etsy is still quite a puzzle.
I even managed a couple of playful dragons before I fell ill… very cute but labour intensive so not something I can sell. Yet. Needs practice for sure; I need to keep them slim enough to keep the postage costs low, so might perfect one first and then make a cast to keep them uniform. It’s a thought.
Anyway, that is it for this morning. ::smiles::