This picture is ‘old’ now – taken the day my daughter had her tonsillectomy – but I dust it off and polish it like a talisman in my mind’s eye, a pocket of calm oasis amidst the storm. A moment caught in the sun, being proud of who IÂ am, and naught else more.
Unfortunately, life is still kicking butt and taking names, but I’d like to think I’ve been through the worst of it. We laid my grandfather to rest; it was unexpectedly hard. It still seems… unreal. Utterly unreal. My sister and mother remain in the hospital, although they slowly improve each day. My daughter suffered a wicked ear infection during her rest at home, but she has mended and is back at school – for as short as that is. Hard to believe the school year is nearly over.
Soon I will have to become… SuperMom? (Sometimes I feel like I am already?) What else do you call working nights, caring for children all day, and finding time to create art?

I have so, many half-formed ideas in my head, it’s been hard to settle down. I love… material. I love colour. Petting supplies and getting lost is easy to do. There are ‘fans’ of stone I would like to string into chokers, and pendant wrapping I would like to practice. I have this …sense… this feeling of being inspired and nearly on the edge of discovery! I’m finding chrysoprase and green “opal” to be weaknesses of mine with their marbled greens and browns. Something will come to me and I have every confidence it will be fantastic. ::nods:: How the material will piece together still remains a mystery to me, for the moment, however.

I mustn’t dawdle too much on this. I am quite excited to be a small cog as part of a photo shoot with AngLou Photography. AngLou will work her beautiful magic, and I shall supply the jewelry, should my work resonate with the models. ::smiles::
I should hope so.
I know so.
…time to make it happen! ::smiles::