Preparing for Etsy

I am feeling pretty excited the past few days! My kitchen table is hopelessly scattered with supplies, but I’ve knocked off a few things, and photos for Etsy are coming along nicely! (I have such lovely, lovely, talented and wonderful friends.) Of course, a little light reading interspersed here and there is never amiss ;)

I think the hardest part of making jewelry is knowing at some point I will have to relinquish it. I am part magpie; I fully admit it! ::laughs:: So you can imagine I like to surround myself with pretty baubles, and parting with pretties would be very difficult… more so when I’ve poured my heart into it and crafted it myself.

I am learning… ::smiles:: Here are a few photos I’ve taken myself:

Unakite with Dragonsblood and Turquoise DropsTurquoise with Lapis Lazuli Garnet with Plated Sterling Silver

I feel like I am slowly plodding along, but any progress is forward movement towards my goals. This includes learning to become my own photographer ::laughs:: That’s what the books are for!

Give it time. I’ll get there, one pendant, earring, bracelet at every step of the way. ::smiles again::

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