An’ All For the Love of Etsy, er, Money
January’s progress has been less linear than I expected.
Etsy’s Viva la Resolution! (aka, Etsy Resolutions 2016) began yesterday and since I know how to fumble around with a camera, I’m really waiting for week two, where I’ll learn how to craft a better listing. I find it a painful struggle to write product descriptions and I’m hoping this will help me past my stumbling block.
Meanwhile, I make more things, and eke out more photographs.
Not bad for a bathroom selfie, eh? It’s a bit difficult to find acceptable lighting when half your house is painted purple, haha.
Shipping has been a puzzle, but I’ve received some very clever advice: design the packaging myself. I literally just stumbled across Template Maker, which will generate certain shaped boxes to the dimensions I specify. Score! <3 Now I don’t have to muck around in Photoshop. Cost in the form of time will be questionable, but it’s probably cheaper for me in material to design a few boxes until such point as I need to mass produce them (if ever). So, there’s that. Mostly I’m stoked that I can specifically design boxes to stay under 2cm and keep postal rates down on most of my jewelry. ::beams::
When I can’t focus, I’ve been either reading The Prophesy Con (Rogues of the Republic, Book Two), or I have been scratching out… ideas on my Note 4.
This as possibly a banner idea (here or for Etsy)…
And this other drawing is an idea that’s been rolling around in my head like a sack of marbles for a couple of weeks now.
Don’t know what I’m going to do with it, as I’m not confident it will ever convey what I want it to. The forces of light and dark with light (love) tipping the balance to keep her from razing life to the ground (a theme struggle with on a routine basis when I’m feeling at my worst). It’s a lot… pickier, and more difficult for me to muddle through on the phone but it’s a nice comfort and the reason I was gifted the phone.
We’ll see what else bubbles up. Ideally, I would like to digitize some drawings and decorate my packaging with them. I think randomly receiving art would be the perfect, personal touch. ::smiles::
The rest of life in the background, well… always free to drop me a personal line and find out.
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