Wie schrijft, die blijft.
[He who writes, remains.]
Powerful words.
Takes a bit of thought; those who leave their mark, remain in play. It feels like a good anthem at the moment, as I continue to struggle.
Just a little bit, even one measly little mark, is enough to remain on the board.
December was a difficult month for me personally; I sat down many times to write and yet the right words seemed to escape me. By coincidence, January seems set to be an utter turnaround.
I dabbled with a few things in December. I prepped some bezels…
Practiced with pastels…

Boxing Day yielded interesting and inspirational craft supplies and made up for how difficult the first three weeks were :)
By this point it became painfully obvious that my container for finished work was not large enough; this hazy talk of opening an Etsy shop seemed more… real perhaps. Actually tangible.
I began taking photos and realized that the Samsung Note 5 has a “pro” mode, and the world of photography opened itself up to me. ::grins:: Not just manual focus, but aperture and colour balance… heck, I can even save in RAW format. O.o
Compare the photo my photo of the bezels taken with the Note 4 to the one above;it’s decent enough, but this is better.
I am in love <3 And jealous, because the phone is not mine, haha. I would say I “need” it now, although the change to a solid design with no expandable memory is frustrating with the improved camera. In addition to that, the larger 64GB model is unavailable in Canada for the foreseeable future, which is also a minus. Ho hum. Still mine to borrow, but it slows things down somewhat.
This week has focused mainly on uploading photos, and presumably with the “new year, new me” attitude, Etsy has offered their Etsy Resolution 2016.
Starting on the 26th, I will get four weeks of help to kick-start the 31 sets of listings I’ve created so far… seems like win-win to me!