So I might have done this thing.
As in, I might have dyed my hair…
Why, you ask? Well, I’ve always wanted to be wild with my hair, just once. Actually, I wanted green, but the stylist didn’t have it. (I bought this seafoam green wig about a decade ago, and always wanted to dye my hair a similar shade.) Currently working at a place where this doesn’t upset the office space, so why not? Hoping it doesn’t fade too quickly, because I’ll have to live with it for a while, haha.
I also did this other thing, where I signed up to be a GelMoment distributor. Will it be short-lived? We’ll find out. ::weak smile:: Will not detract from making my artwork. At least, that’s the plan. I’ve been tweaking my Patreon page, recently. Please understand you’re seeing a rough draft at this point. While I am happy with my introduction, I am still deliberating on whether or not my promised rewards for given pledges amounts to a fair transaction.

(Time spent knitting is not time spent drawing, and I’ve quietly been on a knitting kick all winter.)
I should really switch gears, but… but.. colours! ::blushes:: and dishcloths are so simple and relaxing to make.
As I create artwork for my Patreon landing page, I think it will provide a realistic idea of what I’m capable of offering on a weekly or monthly basis.
Meanwhile, I think I’ve nearly perfected the art of sculpted dragon charms. It would be useful to learn how to make other things, but… laugh and concede these are a love of mine? I’ll try to get photos. I thought gem-filled phone styluses with dragon charms (because hey, dragons are attracted to gemstones!) would appeal to… someone besides me. ::grins and laughs::
But, the Lady has just finished another night shift, so it is off to bed, and then D&D when I wake up!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend,