Falling for New Beginnings

My apologies for the lack of updates in August!

We went travelling to Ontario for two weeks, and every day was a fast paced blur. Life returning home has not slowed down either until now.

The girls enjoyed their first day back at school. Dragonet’s classroom is remarkably huge! Phee’s classroom has a pint-sized exercise bike that I suspect she will get lots of use out of in the coming months… They are an amazing tool, I’ve heard, in helping to burn off restless energy and allow children to focus.

I am slowly becoming proficient with a camera, yay!

Macro shots are my favourite; I practised taking photos of flowers, lichen, and water droplets during recent hikes. The girls were given disposable cameras for their trip that I should develop soon; it will be quite interesting to see how they turn out! I purchased a selfie stick (gasp) that was never used… hopefully it works better as a part of the tripod it came with.

Of all the places to photograph, I think Niagara Falls was my favourite. I was not aware they light up the falls at night, and those last photographs of the evening I felt the most proud of.

I’ve been trying to get photos uploaded to show you but that isn’t happening any time soon (as in, it’s been days trying to coordinate this entry), so an update is better than no update?

I tried experimental painting yesterday. Always good to get out of one’s comfort zone! I am debating on how to list those for sale.

That’s all for now; I’ll try my best to make up for radio silence <3

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