
I thought
saw you
from across the room

it turns out

he only had your

that awkward wonder
of why he was here;
not sure if he should smile?

Fish out of water.


I saw Chris de Burgh in concert last week <3

It was fantastic, of course. ::grins from ear to ear:: In part, spending time with my best friend, but also in part, getting to hear Don’t pay the Ferryman live and up close! Just wow! He invited concert goers to come up front and dance at the end of the concert, and of course I left my phone with my purse at my seat! Still, it was amazing :)

Wish I had more stories to tell for you.

I feel very worn, and ground down with my day job, and it seems to seep into my spare time. I’ve been reading up a lot on, um, marketing? Passive income marketing, and it certainly sounds like the right idea, but when you look at it, it’s not really? Although it brings up the question… would writing an introductory art course (or book yeah?) on the basics of becoming successful at art, be a good idea?

I like the idea, but I worry I’ve spread myself too thin already. Too many ideas, not enough focus. I really need to stop chasing my tail…

Speaking of too many fingers in too many pies, I just ordered silicone moulds to make dragon eggs(!) Picture a wire wrapped egg with a little dragon inside, if you will. I am cautiously optimistic that I can make these, although it will be a 2-3 month wait for the supplies, sigh. It’s hard to complain when the price is right, though!

I signed up for a craft sale in a few days. I want to be excited but instead it’s causing anxiety… fingers crossed it nets me some interest in GelMoment? That would be very, very cool. I would absolutely adore it if I had a client, or two, or five. ;) Of course, it would be equally wonderful if I sold some jewelry as well.

Thursday I hope to visit my grandparents <3 They live out of town and I certainly don’t see them enough. Makes me very happy my girls get to meet them.

That is all my ramble for this morning.

Until later <3

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