An unexpected visitor

She looked over at his sleeping form.

He wasn’t even supposed to travel this far, Berryl contemplated, shaking her head in amusement as she sipped on her tea quietly.

Cone tea, he had called it.

She blushed faintly in the moonlight, studying the berry that floated along the surface, stubbornly refusing to join its brethren. A weary traveller through her domain… Continue reading “An unexpected visitor”

Goings On [An Update]

So what have I been up to, since I haven’t really been updating?

Well, mostly being a mom, but also Hoarding All The Things, collecting more pretties raw materials, getting a little worn out around the edges (can’t play SuperMom indefinitely it seems), as well as finally getting some energy to get back into the swing of things. I figured my sister’s birthday in a week is a good reason, don’t you think? ::grins:: Continue reading “Goings On [An Update]”