One Step Closer to Publishing A Book!

Bring out the confetti, I’m going to Vegas?

I am SOOO excited! I don’t have a book deal in hand… but I’ve made it past the preliminary screening! Saturday I turn my life upside down in order to squeeze in a chance to pitch my book idea to a panel of publishers. Tickled pink is… well, it doesn’t cover the half of it! A first and real chance to publish a book!

Continue reading “One Step Closer to Publishing A Book!”

The Cintiq Companion Is A Pretty Little Thing

The Cintiq Companion Is A Pretty Little Thing

“When she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.”
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Any veteran that has set up a Windows machine will probably tell you that computers can be a love-hate relationship, and the Cintiq Companion by Wacom, is no exception. I say this, and yet she is beauty, right out of the box.  Continue reading “The Cintiq Companion Is A Pretty Little Thing”

Dragons Come In Colour

This WAS supposed to celebrate the long awaited Cintiq Companion that I bought, but that is a so-far disastrous tale, waiting to be told. (Trouble ordering, trouble getting it delivered… trouble nearly right out of the box. Clearly there were signs…)

Instead, I will share what I’ve been up to otherwise.

This past weekend was Victoria Day for all our Canadian Folks. I unexpectedly found myself scoping out the art dealer’s room at KeyCon, and enjoying friends I hadn’t seen for ages. All my work was put on hold for most of the week, as we also purchased a trampoline for the kids. No set up is complete without making a few mistakes… ::laughs:: That took much longer than anticipated. To make up for the lack work, I decided to switch direction… nothing feels like progress like adding a bit of colour :)

Current Work In Progress
Current Work In Progress

I’m fairly happy, although I’ll be the first to point out the line art is still far from done. But… I like the direction I’m progressing in, now. (I was working hard but stuck on the neck for an embarrassingly long time.)

So, that’s that for now. I am currently fighting with my Cintiq Companion, wondering if it needs to be sent back for repair or refund… nothing is worse than a monitor you can’t adjust.

Inspired by Nature

To be honest, I didn’t expect to succumb to more dragons quite so quickly, but some how I’ve ended up on a roll. (To be frank, I had a nude portrait in mind for my next project.)

Yesterday I found myself inspired by this beautiful photo that graced my Facebook news feed…

…and these are today’s results: Continue reading “Inspired by Nature”