And DONE! (have some art!)

My synopsis is submitted!

I am SO stoked! And proud of myself! It was very hard to go into my ‘professional’ email account (the one I use for sending resumés) and see my rejection letter sitting there at the top. I suppose I could delete it, but it is something to measure the others to… or something. (It’s a first of it’s kind and I’m oddly sentimental about such things.
There you have it.)

Anyways! I am now committed! I am dying to share my submission, because the fact is, I’m absurdly proud to be succinct and tell the heart of it in only three sentences. ::laughs:: As you can see, brevity is NOT my forte!

Continue reading “And DONE! (have some art!)”

Let Sleeping Dragons Lie…


 Does that bother you? It’s bothers me too… that little flick of puff at the end just doesn’t look like how I imagine it in my head.


Perhaps this is my next drawing to be finished. ::smiles:: I am not quite sure about those fore paws, eh?

That, and I have a few decisions to make. There is a (slim) opportunity to talk to a publisher and pitch a book idea. I only need, oh, a title,  and a synopsis.  I have prose… ideas…  All the main players! …but which part of the story would I consider the first book? I don’t know…

So there that. If I’m to do this, I have to make a submission in the next two weeks. (No pressure!)

And the challenge to make 20 pieces of art. Twenty GOOD pieces of work… and I might be featured in a local gallery.

Exciting but hard decisions. There is no place there, methinks, for fantasy art. I can buy jump rings and create chainmail jewelry to channel my medieval/fantasy bug (yup, one hobby I adore but never quite started), or I… paint other things. Real world things. Expressionistic things. I did see a mermaid statue, but it wasn’t IN YOUR FACE or anything; she was hiding behind fishies.

So. I can do that. I can do those things too.

It means… sunlight and gardens and oil slicked canvases. Lemon infused hair and home made bug spray (and lots of it). Twenty pieces, I was warned. I have to have a body of at least 20 pieces to sell so that they have a good idea of my skills, and these people feature professional artists. Correction; people who work all day in their studios, and come back again the next day. I don’t have a studio right now, but… I do have outside, and outside is free. That should be enough to get started, if I’m accepted.

Hum, and away the gears do grind…

So you want to start a comic?

I bet there are a bunch of websites and tutorials on how to start up a web comic. It’s actually something my husband and I have cracked jokes about for oh, gawd… eight? ten years? Since the very first time we pooled our video game collection together and made a crack about enjoying video games a little too much, and well… I’ll just leave that to whenever I actually draw a web comic, right? I suppose the truth and reality of the matter is that you just stop… making excuses and DO it. Unfortunately, deciding on how to represent everyone is just a mystery to me.  One not helped by the fact that the subject matter in these sketches are three (left), and five (right). I really need to practice and learn how to draw children. (Apparently!) ::sweatdrop:: Material was never the problem… it’s always been the ability to draw people accurately and quickly. :P

Spring Gives Way To Fall…

Each stroke is a learning process…

Yes, light colours can be layered over top of dark.
Dark ones do not have to cast out the light ones beneath.

Can I draw hands and feet to save my life? Certainly not when pressed for time and without reference materials. But that wasn’t the point of the exercise.  The point is to lay down paint and observe what it does.

And to be happy. Continue reading “Spring Gives Way To Fall…”