
I don’t like posting when I can’t find positive things to say, and life has been very… strained for several weeks.

Plans to visit my extended family went sideways, you could say.

KeyCon treated us very poorly as a vendor this year. Found our number well enough to demand more money. Lost it when it came time to discuss set up, despite attempts to contact them. Family said forget the stress and cut our losses, so… we did.

Positives to rise from the ashes of all that?

Once school is finished, I will take the Littles fishing this summer. (There are no in-service days for June.)

Strange Things Emporium also had a vendor table, so I still had items for sale (and didn’t have to worry about competing against myself if I’d attended). I am pleased at the amount of items that sold. I’m not sure that means I want to run out and rent a table next year, but I’ll tell anyone that wants to listen, someone bought a tote bag with my dragon on it :D

Next week I’m helping with another event.

Need to order supplies for ahem, personal body jewelry. One of the shops I semi-frequent showcases local artists. I’ve seen a very specialized niche I can fit into, so I’m thinking of making some product to bring in and promote myself. I just need to order the supplies… shame it takes a month or several to get stuff from China.

New ‘Do

So I might have done this thing.

As in, I might have dyed my hair…


Why, you ask? Well, I’ve always wanted to be wild with my hair, just once. Actually, I wanted green, but the stylist didn’t have it. (I bought this seafoam green wig about a decade ago, and always wanted to dye my hair a similar shade.) Currently working at a place where this doesn’t upset the office space, so why not? Hoping it doesn’t fade too quickly, because I’ll have to live with it for a while, haha.

I also did this other thing, Continue reading “New ‘Do”

Everything’s Coming Up Milhouse!

It sure feels like it is, anyway ::grins::

Prints (and stickers!) arrived last night. (One is pre-sold, and soon to be dropped in the post! <3) Did I say? Moo.com even corrected my ridiculous typo on my business cards and resent them. O.o I will love them forever! You can now find my cards at the shop. (Houray!)

Kay, the shop owner, agrees that it’s worth a trial run to see how well tote bags in this print might perform at the shop. What do you think of a pre-order sale? Say, 10-15% off and signed by me? (Timely delivery will be the major issue, since printing won’t be local.)

I really need to buy a new camera… or something. My Etsy storefront is stalled until I can upload quality photos. (How else will I sell my prints?) I’m also thinking of adding a shopping cart to here as well; it would be of greater benefit in the long run.

My knitting has paid off in a small way… Friend of a family member saw me knitting and I now have a modest order to fill. Makes me happy ::smiles:: Of course with the 15 dish cloths and counting… I am sorely tempted to turn a serious eye to soap making, so I can make little gift sets instead. ‘Phee has a small mold that makes gem shapes. I think it would be right about… perfect.

And the best news of all for last? I will be at the Fairy Girls Market: Spring Has Sprung event, Saturday April 22nd. Would be lovely to see you there!

Art Prints, and… RedBubble

It is nice to be drawing again… even if it’s only to finish old artwork. <3

5×7″ prints will be available for sale by the end of the month, I’m just waiting on the printers to complete and mail out my order. I am thinking $11USD shipped to anywhere in the world is decent, no? Let me know what you think!

I’ve also rediscovered RedBubble! I had signed up with them and then… stopped drawing (which is an utter shame). While I recommend buying prints directly ::wink wink:: I think it’s really neat to see my stuff printed on… stuff ::laughs::

You can find this and other items (phone covers, notebooks, etc) here. Most of the cost goes to the on-demand printing, but hey, it’s cool and every little bit supports me! :D

In other news, I am now the proud owner of a Nissan Leaf! (whoah!) It drives very nicely but the breaks are extremely sensitive, and take some getting used to. Still, I like it. Exclusive to Canadians… heated front and back seats as a default option, something the girls definitely appreciate. What car do you know of has command start from your phone? (Technology these days!)

Otherwise I continue to knit, knit, knit… which helps with my crazy anxiety. I’d rather draw, but it takes time to get into the rhythm, and I can knit while travelling to work, for example. Easier than a sketchbook.

Well, back to knitting ;)