Sold my artwork ❤

I sold a 5×7″ print of my little pseudodragon! ❤

I also sold a small tote with him printed on it, too ::beams:: There is very little profit margin, but it gives me warm fuzzies knowing a couple of local people have my artwork. Family gets a lot of compliments using it, but I haven’t sold one by word of mouth yet.

Tried to work on more artwork this evening, but using Photoshop is still a painful experience, I find, and set it aside. ::sigh:: I’ll get there. Found an interesting looking book to add to my collection. It’s always a bit of a love/hate feeling to buy another reference book, when half of it covers the same basics every other book covers, just to glean a bit of new information.

Took a class and made this cute little bracelet the other day…

With Strange Things Emporium being vendor (event) based and online only right now, I expect sales to be slower. I really need to buck down and start photographing my jewelry again, but I’ve been lacking motivation. My work space needs a complete overhaul, and I get so lost :( There is a gallery at The Forks that might take my higher end items, but I need a substantial body of work (aka photographs). As fun and beautiful as they’ve been to make, I stopped focusing on them due to lack of sales… therefore I have few to photograph. Perhaps I need to return and refresh my memory on the style they carry; see if that inspires me. Finding the energy for everything is just going to get harder because…

Thursday is the last day of school! (yay! say my children!)

Summer is such a challenge.

I want to do so much with my girls, but in reality, working nights saps all my energy, leaving so much to be desired. During the summer I feel like such an abysmal parent because of it. The girls are very understanding, but it’s hard on them, too, being housebound while I nap. I am hoping this year, I can plan our afternoons better, and take them on picnics, or go exploring. I have a car now, which is an improvement over prior years. ::grins::

Friday we’ll kick off summer holidays with a trip to the movie theatre, and view Despicable Me 3. I’m sure many other parents will have the same plan, but it will still be fun. ::smiles::

See if I can get another recipe posted up. Now that my jar is free after making limoncello, I can make yogourt ::laughs:: Not for the faint of heart… it needs to culture for 5-8 hours. While I’m at it, I’d better make baguettes, too.

Back in a few days, I hope ❤


Goodbye Etsy, Hello World?

Words cannot explain how excited I am!
(Honestly, I’ve been trying for hours! ::laughs::)

It would be silly to abandon Etsy after printing 200 business cards with my Etsy store listed, but Etsy is not working for me right now, as I last mentioned. I’ve wanted to host my own items here from the start, to be honest, but have not known how to go about it. Well, I’m excited to say I’ve found a lovely plug-in for WordPress that will grow with me. Free, robust, and lacking a few nice, but non-essential items in the free column (A redirect after purchase would be nice to have, but its absence is not a deal-breaker.) From what I’ve seen, it loads a little slowly, but when it does, well, you can see for yourself ;)

For today, I have one listing, but I like that I can grow it at my pace, without overhead. Once I have my storefront rebuilt, I can consider porting my listings back into Etsy. Even cooler, what I have listed here, I can sell from Facebook. Mind blown.

I’ve never seen that before!

One caveat: Facebook doesn’t let the app show for mobile browsers, but I’m still game to try it. ::grins::

This week’s goals will be to help my friend at her shop by taking photos, and itemizing my own items for sale. (Bonus, if I can make these two goals overlap?)

My GelMoment kit arrived today and I have to say I’ve been bitten by the girlie bug. ::sticks tongue out:: Not only do I love teal, but I’ve had ideas brewing for bracelets, and I am excited* at the prospect this will make my photos stand out.**

*(there’s that word again :p)

**(I’m really starting to sound like a broken record, aren’t I?)

Maybe Friday, expect a recipe from me? I’m open to suggestions. ::grins again:: I would almost kill for suggestions. ::laughs:: What’s a girl got to do to get notes around here?

Ah well. Friday I shall dust off my apron and see what I come up with.

Let the wagers begin.

Revisiting (and supplying) DIY Natural Deodorant

Whereupon the elf touches upon the pros and cons of making DIY deodorant, and points you towards where you can acquire a “better than average” supply ;)

It has been ages since I have made natural deodorant. Simply ages.

Those Dutch genes run strong ;)

Probably around the same time as I took this photo of my li’l one.

Honestly, it is one of those things that only takes about 15 minutes to make, lasts months, and this is the best stuff I have ever used.

The basic recipe uses coconut oil, baking soda, and corn starch. For those with corn allergies, arrowroot or rice flour can be easily sourced as a substitute. I am very interested in acquiring diatomaceous earth as an allergen-free option, or for those with sensitive skin.

“Fun” fact, coconut oil is stable at room temperature but melts on skin contact, making it an awesome medium to apply and absorb into the skin. This property can be as terrible as it is awesome, because it will liquefy on a hot day, and I’ve had people complain to me that it is “weird” and “too much trouble” to keep deodorant in the fridge.

Enter beeswax to save the day.

Seriously, that is all that’s required. Add some essential oils (tea tree oil for added stink killer is a good one), and personalize it however you want.

Trial sizes and scents soon to be seen at Strange Things Emporium:

Berry Twist,
Black Currant, and

If this proves popular, I might have to make some signature scents ;) It will also give me an opportunity to buy different nut butters, and perfect my homemade lotion (which is the only thing that does not upset Phee‘s eczema.  Unfortunately the oily residue is not everyone’s cup of tea).

I would love to see this become a lucrative hobby. I appreciate the opportunity to find out. ::smiles::

Next up, back to playing with soap! ::laughs::

Ever yours, ~EA

Spring! And the cutest, (almost) easiest knitted cloth ever

Whereupon the Elf talks about knitting, her up-coming craft sale, and, well, yeah, yarn ;)

So I have been quietly obsessed with this leaf knit pattern I’ve found :D

There is also a stocking knit version available that I find more visually appealing, but when learning the pattern, I was absent-minded and started the  garter stitch version first. Since it is super easy to memorize, I’ve made it my go-to for keeping quietly calm and busy. I plan on selling them at the Fairy Girls’ Spring Market on April 22nd. I’d be thrilled if they tickle your fancy!

I’m also enjoying my GelMoment nails, although I need practice using nail polish, as you can see, haha.

My mother in law has discovered Stampin’ Up and without blathering on, I’m excited that I should have an improved packaging solution for selling jewelry :D No rush to get this done, but once the box is perfected, I will work on labels.

I’m eking out small sales at Strange Things Emporium. Can’t complain. ::smiles:: I plan to send over the red ones and custom dye some black. Whether they sell or not, getting elbow deep in dye should be fun. ::grins:: I am optimistic though.

Need to get back to my jewelry. I’m… getting there, mentally. Not wildly inspired, but interested in it again.

It’s also Spring Break for the MiniMees, meaning it’s time to go!

Modest Sales! Exciting Developments?

Very excited to hear my items have been selling locally in the shop! They are hosting an event tonight, and it appears that what I brought with me yesterday is on trend as it were. Some of it will even be featured as “exclusive early access.” ::grins::  Definitely excited to hear how that goes.

Seems I will have to keep an eye on what sells, and what sells quickly. The “monster” earrings were fun, and so were the mermaid scales, although let my stupidity be a lesson. Always wear the correct protective equipment for the job. I thought I was working in a well ventilated area and… nope. I’ve got the ventilator and forget safety glasses, I should buy goggles. Ouch, my eyes smart long after the fact. Rather worrisome, actually. Dragonet caught pink eye; wondered for a while if it was going to develop into that but instead it remains sore and gritty, and no other telltale signs. Perhaps time to be a grown up, yes? (But who likes going to a walk-in?)

Mostly excited that I may have “regular” items to make and keep in stock.

In other great news, the prints I mentioned last entry have been printed and mailed ::grins again:: My stickers for labels as well as… ::drumroll:: corrected business cards! MOO is so awesome and fixed them for me! I cannot say enough good things about them; they are fantastic!

I’m also thinking I should have bought… more stickers than I did :P Probably going to do that once they arrive, too.  See if I can get a few more drawings done before the end of March to make it worth ordering again.

Lastly, some of my supplies arrived earlier than expected in the mail, so I am back to designing packaging for it. Fingers crossed my file didn’t get eaten with the random virus I caught on my computer… I can’t seem to find it. Sigh.

Life happens.

Hope you’re having a great weekend :)