Happy Thanksgiving!

The weather has abruptly turned and my itch to knit has not come at a better time. ::laughs::

I would qualify this scarf as a success, yes?

I would love to try this Dragon Wing Cowl pattern next as it “only” requires a garter stitch, but I still don’t understand how to read patterns ::sweat drop:: Or maybe it’s time to try this Herringbone Neckwarmer pattern again. ::smiles:: Things to think about.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dragons In The Belfry

Miiight still be on a dragon kick ;)

I ordered glass baubles specifically as miniature dragon “hoards” of crystal and they arrived today. Late at night is not the best time for photos but I am excited to share! ^_^

I also ordered USB flash drives and turned them into dragons also. I had no idea the blue one would be so difficultto photograph…

I’ve more been keeping occupied with knitting. I learned the herringbone stitch and I’m amazed that after a week I almost look like a pro. I just have poor tension on my one edge, while the other is perfect. It’s kind of obnoxious ::wrinkles nose:: Ah well. Practice.

Of course I wonder about selling my work but… I don’t want to give my time away for free. Still, it would be easy to make more than I can give away, based on the stash of yarn I have. I kind of feel motivated to knit a blanket but that may change as I continue to knit. (I am thinking probably… )

Onwards and forwards… until the next update I can squeak out.

With Sword In Hand, I…

D&D is off to a good start!

For once, I stepped out of my comfort zone and instead of playing my usual female elf thief-mage/sorceress (erm, my Berryl), I am roleplaying  a male dragonkin barbarian! It’s going to take some getting used to, but I think I like 5th edition.

Alasdaire, the noble born dragonkin, off to show the world he’s not some ignorant young’un :P

Continue reading “With Sword In Hand, I…”

Patreon Vs Kickstarter

“I begin with an idea, and then it becomes something else.”
~Pablo Picasso


I think this sums up my art process to a tee…

A friend had suggested I try GoFundMe, and when he described what he was thinking, Kickstarter had come to mind; further discussion with other people leads me to believe his suggestion was more in line with Patreon.

Now the question is: Which do I want to do?

Continue reading “Patreon Vs Kickstarter”