D&D is off to a good start!
For once, I stepped out of my comfort zone and instead of playing my usual female elf thief-mage/sorceress (erm, my Berryl), I am roleplaying a male dragonkin barbarian! It’s going to take some getting used to, but I think I like 5th edition.

One thing I really appreciate in 5th edition, actually, is all the hand-holding while developing a well-rounded character. I remember playing AD&D and being prompted to pick an outstanding trait, and an unlikely weakness for the DM to exploit. I also remember with fascination the Player’s Option [Skills & Powers] allowed you to tweak your character stats. Superb strength? Well, you can probably carry a little better than you can bend bars with your bare hands… that sort of thing.
While 5th edition does not cater to such fine details, it seems very well laid out. The very best part of playing D&D, actually, is the time spent with family. I am playing with the same people who introduced me to the game fifteen plus years ago, and, really, these are the people I’d rather surround myself with <3
It’s been… a lot of fun, playing this power house character that doesn’t have to worry much about being hurt. Plus, I volunteered to be the de facto leader of the group, so that’s… different. ::laughs::
Right now we’re half-way through the first module. Last we played, we tried to save 6 black dragon eggs, but they all died. :/ Seems people are going to take turns running the campaign… it has me wondering about creating a mini-module of sorts. Something where I can run the game for one day, maybe two and then give the reigns back to someone else. I’d really love to run a campaign, but I have trouble being in charge of one character, let alone several, so… you see my dilemma. However, I bought stuff to create maps, so I should use it ^_^