Picture Perfect

It never ceases to amaze me how many parks - nay forests! – we have pocketing the city, and Sunday’s photo shoot would be spent inhabiting one such niche.

This one had a carved fairy tree ::grins::

Attending behind-the-scene was quite a learning experience. I was quite nervous bringing just shy of $1,000 in product with me, but everyone was kind and fun to meet. Knowing only general colour schemes of interested models, I was downright giddy to have colour-matched outfits perfectly, like it was fate. ::grins::

I will be quite excited in the days ahead to see the finished photos. Anglou has released a few sneak peeks already.

I have already begun prepping listings for Etsy. My other friend will leave me with a CD of the ones she’s taken, and I can sort out from there what yet needs to be taken care of and plan accordingly.

Ergo the title of this post, as everything draws together and looks ‘picture perfect’. ::smiles:: I’ve even made time to try to freshen up the website a little bit.

Busy, busy days ahead.

Here Comes The Sun

This picture is ‘old’ now – taken the day my daughter had her tonsillectomy – but I dust it off and polish it like a talisman in my mind’s eye, a pocket of calm oasis amidst the storm. A moment caught in the sun, being proud of who I am, and naught else more.

Unfortunately, life is still kicking butt and taking names, but I’d like to think I’ve been through the worst of it. Continue reading “Here Comes The Sun”

What Once Was Old…

…be made new again.

Eight years ago in university, I created a sculpture of a dragon descending to survey its territory. This became a source of pride and embarrassment, as much as it survived as a source of consternation. A lot of time was devoted to its creation, but what do you do with a two and a half foot display? Continue reading “What Once Was Old…”