
Dragons In The Belfry

Miiight still be on a dragon kick ;)

I ordered glass baubles specifically as miniature dragon “hoards” of crystal and they arrived today. Late at night is not the best time for photos but I am excited to share! ^_^

I also ordered USB flash drives and turned them into dragons also. I had no idea the blue one would be so difficultto photograph…

I’ve more been keeping occupied with knitting. I learned the herringbone stitch and I’m amazed that after a week I almost look like a pro. I just have poor tension on my one edge, while the other is perfect. It’s kind of obnoxious ::wrinkles nose:: Ah well. Practice.

Of course I wonder about selling my work but… I don’t want to give my time away for free. Still, it would be easy to make more than I can give away, based on the stash of yarn I have. I kind of feel motivated to knit a blanket but that may change as I continue to knit. (I am thinking probably… )

Onwards and forwards… until the next update I can squeak out.

Craft Sales Are… Learning Experiences

So I showed my work at a craft sale over the weekend.

Standing in the thick of it, I was worried it wasn’t a strong presentation, but I felt differently after reviewing this photo.


Truthfully, I find it almost easy to forget this was my table. ::laughs:: Silly, but true.

Positives, to take away from the experience would be…

  • I earned enough to cover my table fee
  • I made business cards, and a few were taken by potential customers
  • Practice making a nice display and getting a feel for next time
  • learning from a very experienced artist that KeyCon’s art show will probably be a bad venue, unfortunately, so be cautious there.
  • I met some really nice other artists

Negatives are:

  • I barely earned enough to cover my table fee
  • There was hardly any foot traffic, which is almost a neutral, as I may have sold more, if more people had come through.

I made some new things that no one batted an eyelash at; I’m not terribly worried. Not sure if they weren’t well displayed, or thought to be over priced… I think I’ll turn my little “witch potions” into necklaces, and then they’ll be more attractive. Worst case  scenario, the snakes become dragons ::coughs::

Speaking of dragons… I’m working on custom USB keys.


I don’t remember if I mentioned that? This is my second one, which is a work in progress. I think the side with the red dragon is a little… empty, and it’s the front, so I need to do a bit more before I can post it to Etsy. Already some love for it on Instagram, so that’s heartening. I have a second one waiting to be varnished at the same time. I have one pre-sold, so I shall let my customer pick their favourite, and list the other.

I am going to try very hard to post here at least every week. ::nods:: No guarantees, of course, but I shall try.

With Sword In Hand, I…

D&D is off to a good start!

For once, I stepped out of my comfort zone and instead of playing my usual female elf thief-mage/sorceress (erm, my Berryl), I am roleplaying  a male dragonkin barbarian! It’s going to take some getting used to, but I think I like 5th edition.

Alasdaire, the noble born dragonkin, off to show the world he’s not some ignorant young’un :P

Continue reading “With Sword In Hand, I…”

[Not] A Love Story

She combed her fingers through her hair, smiling to herself.

“Good morning, Angel.”

She turned towards the sound of his voice, soaking in the dappled sunlight playfully caressing his bare torso. Berryl watched with unabashed delight as he toweled his hair from his swim in the nearby stream.

“Good morning, Lover,” she grinned, rising to meet him. “And what plans do we have today, hmm?” she asked, tugging at scant fabric between them. Scattering kisses, he caught her up into his arms and nipped her ear, whispering heavily.



Continue reading “[Not] A Love Story”