There I go, disappearing again…
November brings with it an extra year on my driver’s licence.
I was brave, and signed up for two more craft sales. I’ve attended one and broke even, so I should not complain. (I’ll be honest, it’s difficult not to question what I’m doing!) The second is set for the end of the week. Nothing has been unpacked, so set-up should be relatively easy, in theory. I’m nervous to find out there is a larger venue scheduled the same day, but the last one had a great turn out for being in a suburb at the far end of town.  I can only do better, right?
I’ve been knitting to pass the time… it’s been good for me. With my phone broken, (again!) I have something to keep busy while traveling. I actually replaced it with an old one while I wait for the Note 8 to come out, but it has limitations :P I spoke with the office staff at my daughters’ school and if none of my scarves sell this weekend, they are more than happy to accept the donations. So win-win for me in a way. I either recoup my costs, or I help my community. Even better if I can do both ;)
With Black Friday creeping into the Canadian shopping calendar, I scored a deal on business cards from <3 What do you think?

Granted, I should have had this design sitting and waiting, but I didn’t actually figure out what I wanted in a business card, until a couple of days ago, so… the digital version was flung together in a few hours. I think it’s good for what it is. (although I just realized there’s a typo. Can you see it? Oh dear.) 400 typos being sent off to the printer… nothing to do now but grin and bear it. ::laughs:: 400 typos at a 30% discount at least! I have two weeks to mull over what kind of white-out works best, heh. The nifty thing about Moo is being able to upload up to 50 different designs. I managed 33, so I’ve got quite the variety to hand out. I’m still rather happy.
Lastly, on the general topic of dragons… I made several dragon-be-speckled ornaments to sell. The girls have picked out which ones to decorate for themselves, and the very worst case scenario is keeping them for myself? (Oh, the hardship!)
Fingers crossed I do well this weekend!