Between Love and Fear

I have been happily back to drawing!

Slightly rusty and nervous at drawing people… dragons, I am better at ;)

So what’s the title about?

I love to draw… in fact I adore working in pencil! (and own several sketch books that attest to that fact…)

Yet I often feel clumsy after I set the graphite down. Reverting to a coward, I find myself unwilling to sacrifice hours of effort to my recycling bin.

But to stop there, as I am wont to do, cheats myself of growth.

I was gifted this beautiful light table, so methinks I’ll be able to duplicate work and practice until perfection? That is part of my plans/goals, which I will get into shortly.

I started drawing recently and you may have missed the post about my red dragon, because it would seem I still don’t know my way around WordPress and made it disappear, an error since rectified. ::blushes::

I am pleased that I’ve made considerable progress since then, and have split my efforts between two projects.

First, there is the accordion book above (also called a leporello or a concertina book), which I plan on finishing in pencil.

My second project involves a series of drawings I promised in my last update.

Drrragons! And poor lighting!

Further inspired by my leporello, I’ve chosen a few scenes to elaborate with and those I will draw in colour. Including my red dragon, I will have at least 5 new works, which is… small, but important. I wondered if I should finally open my Patreon account, but it needs artwork to draw people in, and I don’t even have a banner. Maybe that can be another concurrent project ::laughs::


Yesterday, we went to see Little Shop of Horrors performed at the Rainbow Stage.

Dragonet laughed and enjoyed the performance, while ‘Phee had to be assured that none of the actors had really been eaten. Are we done with the theatre for now? Not necessarily, but ‘Phee and I had difficulties with the outdoor seating, so I might opt for an indoor performance and plush seats next time. ::laughs again::

They are enjoying the freedom of the public wading pool nearby, so I think summer holidays are officially off to a good start!

And with that, I shall bid you adieu for now <3

New ‘Do

So I might have done this thing.

As in, I might have dyed my hair…


Why, you ask? Well, I’ve always wanted to be wild with my hair, just once. Actually, I wanted green, but the stylist didn’t have it. (I bought this seafoam green wig about a decade ago, and always wanted to dye my hair a similar shade.) Currently working at a place where this doesn’t upset the office space, so why not? Hoping it doesn’t fade too quickly, because I’ll have to live with it for a while, haha.

I also did this other thing, Continue reading “New ‘Do”

Colour Me Pink

“You’re gonna miss me by my walk…Ohh
You’re gonna miss me by my talk
Oh, you’re gonna miss me when I’m gone.”
~Anna Kendrick


Adult colouring books have been all the rage for quite some time now, and I’ve done my best to sidestep the entire fad until this point. Well, while brainstorming ideas for Patreon, I… sort of came up with an idea. :P I always liked those books as a kid, where the images peel back like an onion and have something in common between the pages. I’m now exploring the idea of expounding upon this idea, but the reader colours in the pages. I already whipped two pages together fairly easily, but I’m stumped for what adventure to tell.

The idea stemmed from the suggestion that as a one-time thank-you for subscribing, I send my Patrons a post card from Berryl, the character behind ElvenAssassin. I think it’s a lovely idea! ::grins:: I just need to make what I’m posting there…. cohesive.

Now if I could just nail myself down to an idea, right?

Patreon Vs Kickstarter

“I begin with an idea, and then it becomes something else.”
~Pablo Picasso


I think this sums up my art process to a tee…

A friend had suggested I try GoFundMe, and when he described what he was thinking, Kickstarter had come to mind; further discussion with other people leads me to believe his suggestion was more in line with Patreon.

Now the question is: Which do I want to do?

Continue reading “Patreon Vs Kickstarter”