Viking Knit

So proud of myself <3

I’ve wanted to make this for quite awhile!

Viking knit requires – in its simplest form – a pencil, and extra wire to form a jig.

When I first stumbled across this weaving technique I thought, “Fantastic! Who doesn’t have a pencil at home?” That didn’t work for me; I could not stabilize the jig no matter how hard I tried. I have since read that an Allan key held in a vice is another option, but by then I’d already purchased a Lazee Daizee.

While I found it worth the cost, it is certainly one of those “your mileage may vary” situations. I advocate attempting this wire weaving technique with household items first; it is always rewarding to make something yourself, and more-so when you can save money in the process! ::smiles::


In just shy of two weeks, my darling girls have their dance recital. Dragonet auditioned yesterday for RWB’s Dance Ensemble under Musical Theatre. It will be interesting if she is accepted.. already she wants to take a fifth class. Four is challenging already! ::laughs:: Of course, her sister would like more dance classes as well.

Last week was their school recital; everything for them is wrapping up!


As you may be able to infer from the lovely photo, I have a high quality camera again. (Yay!) Once things settle down in the next couple of days, I’m going to have to work hard to photograph and relist items. The plug-in I fell in love with for WordPress is easy to use, which is fantastic(!), but with ease comes cost… I think I may have to start from scratch and try again. ::deep breath:: Hopefully I will find the winning combination.

Until then, be good <3

One Step Forward, Two Steps Sideways

April showers bring May flowers.

I learned that rhyme in Kindergarten.

I remember bringing home a large poster seemingly as tall as I was, with a large letter J that took up most of the paper, disguised as an umbrella. Along with a handful of fat, full, raindrops were the words, “April Showers, bring May flowers.”

Well, Mother Nature decided to play an April Fool’s joke this year… Continue reading “One Step Forward, Two Steps Sideways”