Yesterday marked my first “real” sale. <3

I swear I’m beside myself. ::laughs::
My friends have been supportive, watching me post photos on Facebook, and a few have made purchases, which has been as wonderful as it has been kind.
I had fun last week creating these earrings by spelling ‘mom’ with Morse code. The delight a friend expresses when she sees moonstone is rather infectious. ::grins:: You could say I was inspired; I was not expecting her to adopt them, but she did and it makes my heart sing. <3
On the heels of that sale, came this one out of the blue, and I have been fretting, which I realize is slightly irrational. It was an expensive necklace to make and the cost reflects it. I have been wracking my brain on an appropriate “thank-you” to send to the buyer. Matching earrings perhaps? A coupon? Artwork could be a total swing and a miss. I have a self-imposed deadline of tomorrow, as I’ve given myself a short window to process/mail orders.
In other news, the weather has become quite beautiful for spring. :) So hard to believe it’s summer already in Europe when my perennials are just beginning to surface. New gardening shears have been acquired. There really is no excuse to stay out of the garden, except to say, quite honestly, my mind has been elsewhere.
KeyCon is around the corner again. I have been eking out more jewelry. I simply must tidy my workstation as I have been itching to do more traditional arts, and my husband let me open my Mother’s Day gift a tad bit early… he ordered a light table online and knew if it needed inspecting, I would want to be the one to poke and prod at whatever it was.
Well. It is beautiful, and I will have to do a proper write-up about it some time soon!
And chat about D&D. ::grins:: I’ve begun an entry about that, but am having trouble wording what I like about 5th edition vs what I liked about 2nd edition and how the two compare (as I’ve heard from several people it’s supposed to be a sort of throw-back).
Promise not to wait so long to write next time.